
Wednesday's Word Count

And here we are. February, and Wednesday again already. Can you beleive Dresden will be a month old tomorrow? Crazy!

Prior Goal: Write a chapter.

Achieved: Yup.

Goal for new week:
Write a chapter or at least 3000 words.

Excuses / comments:
No excuses, yay! I had a fun week of writing. MG is a blast. I put up a word counter during the week for my WIP. I'm pretty good about updating it, so if you don't see it move for a couple days feel free to give me a comment nudge or jab!

How is everyone else fairing for the week?


  1. I've been revising. Is that all I ever do? One day soon I will write something new :)

  2. You do seem to be revising all the time, PJ! I bet it's going to be a nice, fun change when you can get to writing something new again!
