
Wednesday's Word Count

Merry Wednesday! How's the week-to-week writing going?

Prior Goal:
Write like a mad woman - ha!

Achieved: 5858 since last Wednesday. 3316 since MarPrilWriMo started Monday.

Goal for new week: 7,000 to keep up with our WriMo.

Excuses / comments: I'm happy with my word count for the week and having a blast with my new novel. Have to do a bit more for the next 3 1/2 weeks to keep up with our little WriMo though! So far I'm keeping my head above the proverbial water.

How is everyone else doing?

Psst: The second Agent Spotlight goes up tomorrow!


  1. Back on track today! Ready for the weekend to really get going ahead of schedule!

    Glad you're having fun with your new novel, I know I am.

  2. Good for you! I need to get my own butt in gear...

  3. no word count but I got my taxes done - does that count!!! :)

  4. The weekend is coming up, Tyler. Can't wait to see how you do!

    Keep doing, Heather!

    Good to get those taxes done Shelli!

    Thanks everyone!
