

I took a blogcation (blogvation?) and a writing break the last three days. I've been go-go-go for the last month with the 30k writing challenge, Agent Spotlight, and everything in between and amongst. I feel so behind now though - Twitter, blogs, comments, etc!

So what did I do? Other than the norms (work, taking care of the kids, cleaning, etc.) I spend an obscene amount of time researching my anestry. Talk about a black hole! Very addictive.

Anyways... a general update for today!

  • 2800 words left for the 30k writing challenge. My goal is to finish TODAY.
  • I'm still reading THE BOOK THIEF. Reading has been, most unfortunatly, low on the totem pole.
  • New Flashy Fiction prompt up for today, Tuesday, and it's a fun one!
  • Jennie Dunham is the next Agent Spotlight. Someone suggested her to me for a spotlight and I'm happy to deliver, though there isn't a lot out there on her. We'll need input from those of you who have experience with her and/or have heard her speak at conferences!
  • Lots of catching up to do on your blogs and comments.
I think that's about it. My mind feels a bit quiet today but hopefully I'll be able to get some good writing in.


  1. Go go go! Get that Marprilwrimo done!

    That'll be a great spotlight, because I'm actually curious about Ms. Dunham. I queried her about 2 months ago, but turns out I didn't have enough postage to cover my query and SASE, sooo...still haven't queried her.

    A well-deserved blogcation!

  2. Glad you enjoyed your blogcation. :)

  3. Congrats on getting so much writing done! That is super!

  4. I love popping by here and hearing about your updates. It's so hard writing that first draft.

  5. Thanks peeps!

    Christina, the first draft IS hard. I'm about ready to rip my eyes out with this one. Ha!
