
Wednesday's Word Count

Happy Wednesday! Are you ready to report in?

Prior Goal: Swap 8-10 revised pages a day with Heather.

Accomplished: Four out of seven days and 40 pages.

Goal for new week: 8-10 revised pages a day.

Excuses / comments: I had company through the weekend so I took Friday, Sat, and Sun off, but otherwise, Heather and I are doing great (well, I think so). I have to re-revise a few scenes, but, not counting those, I've got about 40 decent pages under my belt for this round.

How are YOU doing? Is the start of summer affecting your writing? I feel like I really need to get out with my kids more, so it might start taking a toll on my goals.


  1. I don't have much time to do any writing until Friday; my goal is to write 1600 words/day for the ninety-some free days I have before I return to school.

    Otherwise, it looks like you and Heather are lookin' good--keep working on it! :)


  2. I’m a little behind you – not quite at 40pgs. However, one more scene and it’s smooth sailing till the middle! Woo hoo!! LOL

  3. That's a great goal, Weronika! Good luck!

    Thanks Keri!

    You're doing awesome, Heather! Get that scene rewritten today.

    : )

  4. I wrote the first 5000 words of something new this past week. Not bad given I've been swamped.

  5. I have finished my second draft that was really a major overhaul. Wow. So glad that is done. Now I'm having my husband read it. I won a critique from Ellen Hopkins on Martha's blog. Yeah! So I'm going to send her the first thirty pages. That will help me out too.
