
Wednesday's Word Count

Oh Wednesday, you've come too soon.

Prior Goal: 60 revised pages.

Accomplished: 20 pages.

Goal for new week: ??

Excuses / comments: I'm still stalled, still brainstorming and re-envisioning this rewrite of mine. I don't want to rush it, so I'm dropping my goals for the week, maybe the rest of the month, and taking a breather.

But I hope you're all are still keeping on with your goals and making them happen. Drop in the comments and give me an update!


  1. Oh yes, I revised. I deleted a whole chapter.

  2. Ha! You're stopping and I'm starting. Never done WIP Wed, but I definitely need something to get myself in gear. I do work well with deadlines. Word counts dont' really work for PBs, so I'll just say, for next week... I will have a finished draft of my PB in progress and at least one new idea outlined.

  3. Look at your fancy new pic!!!!!

    Great week for me. I scrapped what I had, started new, and am at...let me check...7300 words so far. Whoo hoo!

  4. Doesn't it feel good, Aimee? I love when I can let a whole chapter go. Twisted as it is.

    Yay Corey! Glad to have you logging in a goal, and it's a great one, too. You can do it!

    Thanks PJ. I like to switch it up. You're doing awesome! Great start.

  5. Goals aren't working for me this week/month either. sometimes you just have to stop and enjoy life.

    I am impatient for you to finish, though.

  6. I'm impatient for me to finish too, Heather. I have a feeling it will be awhile though, and that's probably not such a bad thing. I'm going to make darn sure this story meets its potential.

    We'll get back on track goal-wise pretty soon, I think.
