
Research Tip Tuesday

Today's research tip hits on queries and comes from lovely blog reader Ann Finkelstein, "writer of young adult novels, former scientist, wife, mother, and delighted owner of a digital camera."  You can find some of her amazing photos and musings on writing on her blog, Ann Finkelstein - thoughts on writing, reading, math and science:

"An e-query can be overlooked because words or phrases in the query trigger the agent's spam filter. Imagine a YA novel about substance abuse. The phrase "prescription drugs" could shoot it right into the spam folder."

Ann founds this fabulous tip in a blog post called "Query Diagnostics" on Janet Reid's blog.  Click over and see what other reasons may have prevented you from getting a response. 

Please stop by Ann's blog and say "hi!" everyone.  If you want to see your own research tip featured, go here. Next week, a writing research tip!

Thanks so much, Ann!


  1. Thank you, Casey.

    This is a great feature, and I'm looking forward to seeing future installments.

  2. Thank you so much for the tip. I never would've thought certain words in the main body of the email could shoot something into spam. Scary. I'll have to pay extra special attention to waht I say now.

    Thanks again.

  3. Wow, great tip! I do sometimes wonder if my emails are being read...

  4. It's definitely a great tip. Thanks for taking the time to comment, everyone!
