
Writing / Research Tip Tuesday

Need some help perfecting your query? Submit it to The Public Query Slushpile for public feedback from other writers. Every query gets at least a little feedback and the turn around time is much, much faster than the better know, formidable Query Shark. If you submit a query, make sure to take the time to give back to others.

Best to all you queriers out there!

If you'd like to send in a research or writing tip to be featured on Lit Rambles, please e-mail them to agentspotlight(at)gmail(dot)com. Thanks!


  1. I'm not there yet, but almost. Thank you for the information!

  2. Thanks for this tip, Casey . . . I'll definitely keep it in mind!

    Have a great New Year! :)

  3. Thanks for the great tip. I'm going to start reworking my query letter soon and could use the critique advice.

  4. Thanks for the awsome tip. Happy Blogging!

    This next year is going to be about getting those queries out there.

  5. Thanks everyone! I think most of you already know about The Public Query Slushpile but I thought I'd throw it up there in case any doesn't know of it!
