
Awards! Part 1

I've been meaning to acknowledge and dish out some awards for awhile now and apologize to the lovely ladies who gave them to me that I haven't done it sooner (I'm looking at you Emily, Shelli, Elana, and Hilary).  And yet, I've just had a heck of a day and wanted to do something fun, so I thought awards!  I'll give people awards and I'll feel way better.  So I'm sort of glad I held out.  But, I'm also short on time so I'm gonna do it in parts. Hey, it's probably more fair to the awards that way, anyway. 

Silver LiningSo, today's award:  THE SILVER LINING AWARD given to me by Emily Cross at The Chronicles of Emily Cross

I feel honored to have been given this award because Emily created it, and I was one of the first five to receive it.  Here's the thought Emily put behind it, "So, in these bad economic times etc. its nice to be able to wander the blogosphere and see some really positive and optimistic posts. To honour these uplifting blogs i've made the silverlining award."

How cool is that?  Wowza!  Thanks Emily!

Here are the rules:

* Post the award on your blog.

* Let them know who gave it to you and link to them.

* Nominate five other blogs and link to them.

* Let your nominees know that they've received the award.

Okay, decisions, decisions.  I think I'll stick with Emily's purpose for the award and choose people who tend to be very positive in my eyes. I hate picking just five people, you all know that right?  Right?!?  Okay good.  Cause I love all my bloggy friends and don't get enough time to spend on all your blogs.  Here are the first five that came to mind.  Friends new and old:

Heather Kelly of Edited to Within an Inch of My Life.

Lisa Nowak of The Tao of Webfoot.

Tabitha Olson of Writers Musings.

Hillary Wagner of Hillary Wagner's blog.

Paul Michael Murphy of Murphblog.


  1. Congratulations. Your awards are well deserved.

  2. Congrats! I'll have to check out these fellow bloggers.


  3. Congrats on the award--you deserve it! From the first day that I commented here, I felt supported and lifted up. It's great that you get that recognition!

    And thank you so much for thinking of me--I appreciate it! Yay! My first award!

  4. Aww, thank you!! This is probably the best blog award of all time, and I'm so flattered you passed it on to me. :) Thank you!!

  5. Thanks for passing on the award! Glad you liked it and i'm really pleased others like it too :)

  6. Congrats to the winners. I know you all spend a lot of time providing the rest of us with great blogs.

  7. Casey,

    You are so super sweet! I'm home with a gloomy cold today so this has without a doubt made me feel better! My blog and I will wear it with pride!

    xoxo -- Hilary

  8. You ARE fantastical, Casey! Congrats.

  9. It's nice to know the history behind the title. Congrats.

  10. This is so cool! Thanks, Casey! My first blog award. I feel honored to have it come from you. :)

  11. Congratulations! Awards are always fun!
