
Tip Tuesday #128

Tip Tuesday features writers' tips on craft, research, querying, blogging, marketing, inspiration, and more. If you'd like to send in a tip, please e-mail me at agentspotlight(at)gmail(dot)com.

This Tuesday I have another great tip from Charmaine Hammond. Charmaine is the author of On Toby's Terms and Toby the Pet Therapy Dog & His Hospital Friends. Please visit her author website as well as her resource site, How To Sell and Market Your Book.
If you are struggling to get writing or to find time to write, jot down 20 questions, have someone you know and trust interview you and record it. You can use a free conference line such as Free Conference which records the call/interview or, just record it on a digital recorder. When you transcribe your answers, you will find you have incredible content for your book.
 ~Charmaine Hammond, Professionals Speaker, Author, & Radio Host


  1. Great idea. It would also be helpful generating questions for blog interviews, or even regular blog posts.

    1. Hi Ann, that is another great way to use this tip! Happy writing,

  2. This is a most unusual tip and so worth trying! yay! thank you! take care

  3. Interesting. Good idea from Ann's comment, too. Seems like a good brainstorming launch for any type of writing. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Thanks for the tip. Ann's got a good idea on how to use it too.

  5. Great blog you have here. The Tip Tuesday idea is great.

  6. Would you able to give some examples of good interview questions. I am just in the beginning stages of writing my book.
