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Agent Spotlight: Evan Gregory

This week's Agent Spotlight features Evan Gregory of the Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency.
Status: Open to submissions.
Screen-shot-2012-06-30-at-1.40.40-PMAbout: “Evan Gregory has been a Senior Agent since 2014, specializing in genre fiction and commercial non-fiction, especially the areas of SFF and pop-culture. Previously he worked as subsidiary rights manager for the agency as well as an assistant to Ethan. He is currently seeking new clients, submissions may be sent to his attention according to our guidelines. More information available at the following links: Twitter Manuscript Wishlist ” (From the agency website)
About the Agency:
“The Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency was established in 1984 by Ethan Ellenberg, after completing jobs at Berkley Books and Bantam. Since its inception the agency has represented a wide range of fiction and non-fiction. Its clients include bestselling authors, career novelists, and professional writers. In addition to new and published authors, the agency also represents rights on behalf of Indie Authors, Small and Medium sized publishers and literary estates. The agency is an independent full-service agency with robust sales in subsidiary rights and partnering agents all over the world. The agency belongs to a number of professional organizations, include the literary agents professional organization in the US, the American Association of Literary Agents and is also a member of a great many Author organizations that support the working writer and novelist, including the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, the Society for Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, The Romance Writers of America, and the Mystery Writers of America.” (From the agency website)
Web Presence:
Ethan Ellenberg Agency website.
Manuscript Wish List
Fiction: Crime, Fantasy, LGBTQ, Thriller
Non-Fiction: Journalism, LGBTQ, Science, Travel (From his Manuscript Wish List)
What He Isn't Looking For:
Picture book, middle grade, young adult
Editorial Agent?
There is a list of Ethan Ellenberg Agency clients on the website.
Mr. Gregory’s clients include: Alan Averill, Noah Beit-Aharon, Patty Blount, Patricia S. Bowne, Adam Connell, Coscom Entertainment, Adam Harmon, Jeff Howe, Brian Jay Corrigan, Marko Kloos, Dr. Travis Langley, B.V. Larson, Robin S. Rosenberg, among others.
Query Methods:
E-mail: Yes.
Snail-Mail: Yes.
Online-Form: No.
Submission Guidelines (always verify):
For fiction, paste a query letter, 1-2 page synopsis, and the first 50 pages of your manuscript into the body of an e-mail or send via post with SASE.
For non-fiction, paste a proposal and sample chapters in the body of an e-mail or send via post with SASE.
For illustrators, send a portfolio of your work and a link to any online portfolio via e-mail or post with SASE (no original artwork).
See the Submission page on the agency website for complete, up-to-date submission guidelines. There are detailed submission guidelines on the agency website, including some dos and don’ts, as well as a page of articles on publishing.
Response Times:
The agency only responds if interested. If you haven't heard anything in 8 weeks, you can assume that they are not interested.
What's the Buzz?
Evan Gregory joined The Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency in 2008.  He began building his client list early 2011 and continues to seek new talent. 
Worth Your Time:
7 Questions for Literary Agent Evan Gregory at Middle Grade Ninja (04/2017)
Q&A With Evan Gregory at Women Writers, Women Books (03/2017)
Literary Agent Interview: Evan Gregory of The Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency at Guide to Literary Agents (07/2012).
Around the Web:
An Interview with Jeff Howe - A QueryTracker Success Story (05/4/2013)
An Interview with Noah Beit-Aharon - A QueryTracker Success Story.Contact:
Please see the Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency website for contact and query information.
Profile Details:
Last updated: 2/9/2023.
Agent Contacted for Review? No.
Last Reviewed By Agent? N/A.
Have any experience with this agent? See something that needs updating? Please leave a comment or e-mail me at natalieiaguirre7(at)gmail(dot)com

Note: These agent profiles presently focus on agents who accept children's fiction. They are not interviews. Please take the time to verify anything you might use here before querying an agent. The information found herein is subject to change.


middle grade ninja said...

But will he face the 7 Questions? ...Scratches chin...

Thanks, as always, for posting!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Thanks so much for the spotlight, Casey. Evan sounds like an awesome agent and he likes fantasy and middle grade. I'm adding him to my list.

Stella said...

Oh good, somebody who likes fantasy. Thanks for the spotlight. These are so informative.

The Pen and Ink Blogspot said...

Thank you, Casey. Passing to Lupe. He has stuff that might fit.

Rachna Chhabria said...

Thank you Casey for this agent highlight. Happy to see that somebody likes fantasy :)

Anonymous said...

It's great getting to know Evan.

I know the agency has been around for a long time. I remember querying them back in the mid-90's.

Leslie S. Rose said...

Hooray for Evan's open arms to genre fiction.

TerryLynnJohnson said...

I love that you continue collecting all this fantastic info for everyone here. What a resource! This is where I found my agent. Thank you!

Evan Gregory said...

I will gladly face the 7 questions.