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  • Agent Spotlights & Interviews have been updated through the letter "K" as of 3/28/2024 and many have been reviewed by the agents. Look for more information as I find the time to update more agent spotlights.

Multiple First Person POV?

I have one very important lingering question that I REALLY need to figure out before NaNo begins.

Does multiple first person POV work and can I pull it off well?

I originally planned for the entire novel to be told in first person from the male MC's perspective. However, during my outlining and scheming I've started running into areas where I think it would be much more interesting from my female MC's POV. So I started thinking... can I do both? Would it take away from the story to switch between them?

Anyone willing to offer their opinion on this? I can only think of one book I've read that had two characters narrating in first person. It worked for that book, but it was several books into a series and I already had a strong feel for the characters. So I'm just not sure.

Any thoughts?

Wednesday's Word Count

THREE days until NaNo!

Words written / goal: Outlining

Goal for new week:
Finish outlining for the next three days. Start and keep up with required NaNo word count!

Excuses / comments:
I didn't do any great measure of outlining, but I did do some, figured out my antagonist a little better, and did a tad more research.

If you're doing NaNo our weekly goals are suddenly going to be around 12,500 words a week! Yikes! I'm getting really excited though!

Oh My!

Five days until NaNo folks! Ready or not... here it comes!

My outlining isn't going as well as I had hoped. I have the hardest time coming up with scenes until I'm actually writing from scene to scene. Oh well. Hopefully I have enough to get me going and keep me going. I'm definitely excited about starting something new. I LOVE starting new stories. It's keeping at them and developing them I suck at.

The breakdown is roughly 1600 words a day, seven days a week.

We (I) can do that, right?

Anyone else not feeling entirely ready?

Wednesday's Word Count

Sorry I'm posting this a tad late today. I am SO not ready for it to be Wednesday, let alone Thursday.

Words written / goal: 586/3000

Goal for new week:
??? Outlining?

Excuses / comments:
I know, I know. I did awful! I only wrote once this week and I didn't even write a lot. I kept thinking I would make up for it the next day and then the next day and then... heck Wednesday was here!

I wanted to make sure I got this up anyways. I hope my writer friends did better than me! I think I'm going to focus on outlining for my NaNo novel this week. It's coming up fast and I really want to have my story dialed in.

Share your triumphs with me this week! I need the encouragement. I seem to be getting off track!

Wednesday's Word Count

Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday! Can you beleive this is the seventh week we've done this?

Words written / goal: 2243/3500

Goal for new week:

Excuses / comments:
Well, I'm pretty low this week. That much is obvious. Why? I'm not really sure. I just didn't make myself write enough. Not good, seeing as NaNo will be here in a couple short weeks!

Speaking of, make sure you friend me if you're participating this year!

I'm pretty excited about my new idea for NaNo, and I think it might be distracting me from my other WIP. I can't wait to start writing it!

I hope everyone had a better writing week than me. Please comment on your goals and progress! I love hearing how everyone is doing.

The Tales of Beedle the Bard

Ever since I heard The Tales of Beedle the Bard by J.K.R. was going to be released to the public I've been anxiously awaiting the date: December 4th, 08.

After debating between pre-ordering and asking for it for Christmas, I decided just to pre-order. It's only $7.59 on Amazon so I thought, why not? Well, when I went to do just that, I saw this.

Oh the agony.

Proceeds for both support the Children's High Level Group.

Holly Lisle

Have you ever checked out all the awesome info Holly Lisle has on her website for writers? If you haven't, you really should. Just take a scroll of her "Writer Index" on the left hand side and take special note of the free workshop articles she has.

I keep her bookmarked and I refer back to her "How To's" and "Work Shops" rather frequently for one thing or another. I've also subscribed and gone through her plotting workshop, which I pulled some great advice and info from.

Yesterday I was digging around her index again, looking for things I haven't read, and realized I should really post her website in case others aren't aware of the free info she has just sitting there. I'm positive every writer, no matter the genre, can learn something from what she has up on her site.

Posting this does sort of fill me with guilt though - I've never read any of her books. However, I do plan on purchasing several of her e-book clinics eventually and maybe I'll pick up a book or two someday as well.

Really though, check her website out! And if you've read any of her books I would love comments and/or recommendations.

Wednesday's Word Count

Here we are yet again. Another week, another Wednesday, more words!

Words written / goal: 3856/3000

Goal for new week:

Excuses / comments:
No excuses this week. I'm happy with my progress. I exceeded my goal count and came up with a new story idea for the upcoming NaNoWriMo. I started outlining for it too, so I'm feeling rather accomplished this Wednesday!

How did everyone else do?

World's Best Paid Authors

Last week Forbes put out a list of the ten best paid authors. I'm pretty sure everyone knows who owns that number one spot, but it was interesting to see who the other top dollar authors were.

Curious who the super stars of the writing world are? Well, you can find the article: here.

Check it out!

The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

Thanks to the fabulous Heather, I've been made aware of Neil Gaiman's book tour for his new book "The Graveyard Book."

As per the website:

"Watch Neil Gaiman read The Graveyard Book on a 9-city video tour. At each stop on the tour, Neil will read one chapter from The Graveyard Book. Beginning on October 1st, we will post the video readings daily. By the end of the tour, on October 9th, you will be able to watch the master storyteller himself read The Graveyard Book in its entirety right here."

It is FABULOUS! He is AMAZING! You HAVE to check it out! Trust me!

You can find it: Here.

Thanks Heather!

Wednesday's Word Count

Wow this week flew. It seems like I say that every week, but gosh, this one really did seem to fly by.

Words written / goal: 2802/3000

Goal for new week:

Excuses / comments:
I'm a little short but not by too much. No good excuses really, I've just been slightly less motivated the last couple weeks. My outline is apparently failing me because I'm having a really hard time coming up with pertinent scenes to write in between the important ones that I've mapped out. I've been skipping all over the place and right now I have a rather large mess because of it.

I'm a tad concerned because I have to really start cranking up my word count if I want to make a serious attempt at NaNoWriMo. I'm also setting myself a seperate goal of figuring out what I'm going to write for NaNoWriMo or else I'll find myself starting at that dreaded blank page for the first few days of the month, and thus wasting precious writing time.

How are your writing goals coming along fellow writers?