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Wednesday's Word Count

Wow this week flew. It seems like I say that every week, but gosh, this one really did seem to fly by.

Words written / goal: 2802/3000

Goal for new week:

Excuses / comments:
I'm a little short but not by too much. No good excuses really, I've just been slightly less motivated the last couple weeks. My outline is apparently failing me because I'm having a really hard time coming up with pertinent scenes to write in between the important ones that I've mapped out. I've been skipping all over the place and right now I have a rather large mess because of it.

I'm a tad concerned because I have to really start cranking up my word count if I want to make a serious attempt at NaNoWriMo. I'm also setting myself a seperate goal of figuring out what I'm going to write for NaNoWriMo or else I'll find myself starting at that dreaded blank page for the first few days of the month, and thus wasting precious writing time.

How are your writing goals coming along fellow writers?


Heather Hansen said...


My outline is apparently failing me because I'm having a really hard time coming up with pertinent scenes to write in between the important ones that I've mapped out. I've been skipping all over the place and right now I have a rather large mess because of it.

Are you going to go back and reread/edit to the point where you’re at? I’ve got to say, that’s what I usually do. However… after this monstrous rewrite, I’m questioning whether, if in that situation again, if it’s what I would do with the next book (because that sort of thing happens to me A LOT).

I’m kind of thinking that I might want to try to push through to the end and then treat it like a second outline. Look through it, find the threads that I wasn’t aware I was subconsciously writing and then follow that. Mostly because I ended up cutting all the scenes that made the first draft “make sense” you know? Hum. I figure I’ll be right there in about two months. I’ll let you know what I decide. LOL!!!

Words written / goal: Goal was to finish rewrite / I did that (although I’m still reading it through)

Goal for new week: Finish reading / send to betas / edit for criticism – and clean my house that I’ve let come down around my ears. Ha!

Excuses / comments: It’s a good week. No comments. LOL

I may start thinking about my projects for NaNo. I know that it’s supposed to be ONE book, but… I may just focus on word count and get into several MS. Just to see where the wind blows. I don’t know. We’ll see.

Do you want Chs 1-9 or wait for the whole thing? I should be finished reading tonight or tomorrow.

Thanks, Casey!

Casey Something said...

I have no idea what I'm doing Heather. Before this year I would always push myself to write all the way through. I'm just now trying to jump around when I get stuck and it pretty much feels like a disaster, lol.

I think any rough draft of mine might as well be a detailed outline since I'm so horrible at outlining. So much rewriting is bound to be needed that it feels that way anyways!

Congrats on finishing your rewrite! I'm partially through it. I haven't had much time to tackle it today since the finance is off work but hopefully I'll have some notes/comments for you soon. So far it's great!

PJ Hoover said...

I wrote nothing in the last week. I'm forcing myself to take a week off.
And now I'm ready to get back at it!

Casey Something said...

Ooo I hope you enjoyed your week off Pj!