Monday Everyone! Today I’m excited to have debut author Megan Bannen here to
share about her YA fantasy THE BIRD AND THE BLADE. I am super excited about
this because of the Chinese setting, which I always love because my daughter is
adopted from there, and the impossible love. Can’t wait to read it! But first I have some follower news to share.
. Lee McKenzie's new MG SOME VERY MESSY MEDIEVAL MAGIC is being released. Here's a blurb:
Pete’s stuck
in medieval England! Pete and his
friend Weasel thought they’d closed the Timelock. But a young page from
medieval times, Peter of Bramwell, goes missing. His absence during a critical
moment will forever alter history unless he’s found. There’s only one
solution—fledgling wizard Pete must take the page’s place. He travels to 1173
England accompanied by Weasel and Fanon, Pete’s alligator familiar. But what if
the page remains lost? Will Pete know what to do when the critical moment
arrives? Toss in a grumpy Fanon, the dukes’s curious niece, a talking horse,
and the Circle of Stones, and Pete quickly realizes he’s in over his young
wizard head yet again.
And some links:
Now onto today's interview!
a blurb of THE BIRD AND THE BLADE from Goodreads:

As a slave in the Kipchak Khanate, Jinghua has lost everything: her home, her family, her freedom … until she finds herself an unlikely conspirator in the escape of Prince Khalaf and his irascible father as they flee from their enemies across the vast Mongol Empire. On the run, with adversaries on all sides and an endless journey ahead, Jinghua hatches a scheme to use the Kipchaks’ exile to return home, a plan that becomes increasingly fraught as her feelings for Khalaf evolve into a hopeless love.
Jinghua’s already dicey prospects take a downward turn when Khalaf seeks to restore his kingdom by forging a marriage alliance with Turandokht, the daughter of the Great Khan. As beautiful as she is cunning, Turandokht requires all potential suitors to solve three impossible riddles to win her hand—and if they fail, they die.
Jinghua has kept her own counsel well, but with Khalaf’s kingdom—and his very life—on the line, she must reconcile the hard truth of her past with her love for a boy who has no idea what she’s capable of ... even if it means losing him to the girl who’d sooner take his life than his heart.
THE BIRD AND THE BLADE is a lush, powerful story of life and death, battles and riddles, lies and secrets from debut author Megan Bannen.
Megan! Thanks so much for joining us.
Tell us about yourself and how you became a writer.
Natalie! Thanks for inviting me to interview. I’m a children’s librarian in the
Kansas City area, and I was also a middle school English language arts teacher
for a few years. I always had it in the back of my mind that I would write a
book someday, but I didn’t actually get around to doing so until, in my late
thirties, it occurred to me: “Hey, Megan, you’re never going to write a book unless
you sit down and write a book.” So, I
started writing. Six years later, I sold The
Bird and the Blade. It’s never too late to try something new or go after a
dream, people!
2. I'd love to be a librarian. Where did you get the idea for THE BIRD AND THE BLADE?
was listening to Puccini’s opera Turandot
and stewing for the millionth time over the rather unsatisfying ending when it
occurred to me that retelling the story from a different point of view had
potential to be a good YA novel. As I researched the possibility, I read
several versions of the story, many of which give the slave girl character a
meatier backstory than the opera gives her. I decided to create my own version
of this character (Jinghua) and to tell the story, based on François Pétis de
la Croix’s version, from the slave girl’s point of view.
Tell us a bit about your world building process and your research into China as
you developed your world.

There’s some scholarly
evidence that links the Turandot tales to the Mongol Empire, which is how I
chose my setting. So my early research focused on learning as much as I could
about the Mongols of the thirteenth century. Additionally, the slave girl’s
backstory in “Prince Khalaf and the Princess of China” has an interesting link
to the demise of the Song Empire—the last emperor, a six-year-old boy, was
thrown overboard a ship to drown rather than fall into the hands of the Mongols—which
is why the protagonist, Jinghua, comes from Lin’an, the capital city of the
Southern Song Dynasty (modern day Hangzhou). Consequently, I needed to learn as
much as I could about the Song as well. I wrote and researched concurrently, so
that as world-building questions arose, I could track down the answers through
research. Once I had the book as close to finished as I could get it, I worked
with my publisher to have a combination of sensitivity readers and academic
scholars read the manuscript and offer feedback on authenticity and historical
accuracy. Their thoughts and suggestions were invaluable, and the book is much
better as a result, in my opinion. My favorite sources of information, however,
were two friends who were incredibly generous in answering my many, many
questions regarding the representation of a Muslim character (Prince Khalaf)
and best practices in the use of Pinyin (Romanized Mandarin Chinese),
respectively. When it comes to research, books and articles are great, but people
are even better.
4. Yes, that's great you had friends that you could ask. I
read that longing is an important emotion for the three main characters in your
story. Did you plan that out or did it evolve as you wrote the story? How did
you weave it into your characters’ stories?
I love character-driven novels that make me feel something emotionally, so when
I set out to write The Bird and Blade,
that idea went without saying. I don’t visualize world or action or even
characters very clearly when I write. I tend to feel my way through the creation of a story. Because the focus of
the writing is on the characters’ internal lives, their hopes and desires drive
the plot (I hope!), which leads to the reader experiencing the characters’ deep
sense of longing (I hope!).
Your book has gotten great reviews as a beautifully written book that is
heartbreaking and makes you cry. Share how you really delved into your
characters to make your story pull so much at readers’ hearts.
The characters’ evolving wants and needs drive the action
of this story, so I think it’s only natural that it hurts when things don’t pan
out the way the reader might want. Both Jinghua and Khalaf have opportunities
to make choices that would greatly improve their personal happiness, but
frankly, they both kind of suck at the whole personal happiness thing for
different reasons. That can be painful for a reader to watch (read?). And, quite
honestly, my favorite scenes to write are the ones that I design to make
readers ugly-cry. Sorry, all, but I’m drinking your tears with a heart full of
joy. Mwah-ha-ha!
You are also a librarian and have a family. What has your writing schedule been
like and how have you stuck to a writing schedule that keeps you productive?
I’ve spent the past five years supporting a family of
four while my husband has been working on his Ph.D. (You may all call him Dr.
Mike now.) Between work and soccer practice and basketball games and music
lessons, it’s been tricky carving out time to write. When I’m on deadline, my
alarm is set for 4:45 am. I preset the coffee pot the night before and I have a
half-pint jar of oatmeal waiting for me in the fridge when I get out of bed. I
write until about 6:30 at which point I have to walk the dog and get ready for
work. Since I work Wednesday evenings, Wednesday mornings are a time when I can
get a lot accomplished. Unless I have to work a weekend shift or take my kids
to a soccer and/or basketball game, I write until noon on Saturdays and Sundays
as well. Depending on my writing workload, I put in anywhere from 20-30 hours a
week toward my writing career. This schedule is so thoroughly engrained that
7:00am is now “sleeping in” for me, and I turn into an anxious, cranky person
when I’m not actively working on a writing project.
7. Sounds like you are incredibly discipline. Your agent is Holly Root. How did she become your agent and what was your road
to publication like?
My agent is Holly Root! How
fantastic is that?? I queried nineteen agents between April and June of 2016,
and Holly was the first to ask for more pages. I was over the moon when she
offered representation. (Because, seriously, Holly Root.) I signed with her in
mid-July of 2016. We went on submission at the beginning of August that year,
and right after Labor Day, we had an auction and a book deal. So while the book
took me a bajillion years to write, querying and selling didn’t take long at
all. I consider myself extremely fortunate in that regard. (By the way, my
editor is Kristin Daly Rens! How fantastic is that??)
What are your plans for marketing your book and what advice do you have for
others who are hoping to debut in terms of the planning they should do in the
year leading up to their book release?
My advice to
fellow debuts is to do whatever makes you happy. At the end of the day, unless
you’re some kind of marketing guru, I suspect that it’s unlikely that your own
marketing efforts will tip the needle on sales. Find your jam and stick to
that. And don’t do stuff you don’t want to do. Some people love making swag and
running pre-order campaigns, and more power to them. Personally, I would rather
poke myself in the eye with a sharp stick. I’m sticking with marketing and
promotion that I enjoy, particularly public speaking and meeting people. I’m a
recovering theater nerd, so I plan to find as many opportunities as I can to
talk to readers in person through classroom visits, book signings, panels, etc.
9. That's great that you are comfortable with public speaking. Okay, here’s another librarian question. How can authors connect more with
libraries around the country to help get the word out about their books?
Just walking into your public library and saying hi to
the librarians is a good start. Of course, library conferences are a way to
meet a lot of librarians all in one place, so if you have the funds to send
yourself to ALA, PLA, etc. have at it. One avenue I think a lot of authors fail
to explore is investigating their state library association. Most, if not all,
states have an annual library association conference that is like ALA but on a
smaller scale. That’s a great opportunity to interact with librarians on a
local level, and it’s usually easier on your pocketbook, too.
What are you working on now?
I have a several
projects going. My primary focus is on revisions for a young adult fantasy
novel, but I’m also puttering away on a humorous middle grade fantasy between
edits, and I’ve started research on a possible young adult historical fiction
novel as well. I’d really like to write down the bones of a new project
sometime this year if I can swing it.
for sharing all your advice, Megan. You can find Megan at:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/megan.bannen
Megan has generously offered a signed hardback of THE BIRD AND THE BLADE. To enter, all you need to do is be a follower (just click the follow button if you’re not a follower) and leave a comment through May 26th.
If your e-mail is not on your Google Profile, you must leave it in the comments to enter the contest.t
If you mention this contest on Twitter, Facebook, or your blog, mention this in the comments and I'll give you an extra entry. You must be 13 years old or older to enter. This giveaway is U.S. and Canada.
Here's what's coming up:
Monday, May 21st I have an agent spotlight interview and query critique giveaway with Natascha Morris
Monday, May 28th I'm off for Memorial Day
Thursday, May 31st I'm participating in the Beach Reads Giveaway Hop
Wednesday, June 6th I have an interview with debut author Adrienne Kisner and a giveaway of her YA contemporary DEAR RACHEL MADDOW
Monday, June 11th I have an interview with debut author Kit Frick and a giveaway of her YA contemporary thriller SEE ALL THE STARS
Wednesday, June 13th I have an agent spotlight interview and query critique giveaway with Gabrielle Piraino
Thursday, June 14th I'm participating in the Splash Into Summer Giveaway Hop
Hope to see you on Monday!