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Tip Tuesday #125

Tip Tuesday features writers' tips on craft, research, querying, blogging, marketing, inspiration, and more. If you'd like to send in a tip, please e-mail me at agentspotlight(at)gmail(dot)com.

I have another tip by the lovely Sharon K. Mayhew today. Not only a tip, but a giveaway! Isn't Sharon awesome? Read below then visit her blog Random Thought where she's been discussing confidence, dreams and nightmares. Here's Sharon:

I’m a list person. I love writing lists and checking them off, but I’ve discovered the way to increase my productivity is by keeping a progress report rather than a check off list. Each day I write down what I did pertaining to writing. Whether I am writing, researching, critiquing or blogging, I keep track of it on a calendar. At the end of each week I can see that I am doing something related to my writing goals almost every day. I truly believe this is why I am being more productive this year than in the past.

 I also joined a writer’s group on Facebook called Write On Build On. Each day we report in what we did pertaining to writing. The days we do not do any writing we have to donate a dollar to www.buildon.org. If you are interested in joining our little group, leave a note in the comments.

Casey and Natalie will be holding a drawing to give away a little calendar (perfect to track your progress in) and a mini composition book (perfect for your purse or pocket) and I’ll mail them to the winner. 
Cool, right? If you'd like to enter the giveaway, please leave a comment by Monday May 7th (with your e-mail if it's not public) and I'll announce the winner next Tuesday. US only, please. Good luck!


Wendy said...

(Don't enter me in the giveaway, I'm not in the US)
This is interesting, I've heard about using a 'done' list rather than a to-do list quite a few times now. I can see how it can be positive and motivating to see a 'progress report' for writing-related things. Definitely something I'll try. For things not related to writing, though, I think I still need a to-do list to keep me on track!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Awesome idea Sharon. I'll have to try it. And thanks for the giveaway to get one of our readers started.

Jess said...

I need to get better at this sort of thing! Accountability is easier to maintain if it's staring you in the face from your notebook :) Great tip, Sharon!

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Sharon and I have chatted about this before. I make lists, but still have yet to follow her secondary advice. I need to. See where I've been and where I am today will surely fuel me to keep moving forward.

Thanks, Sharon!!

Nicole Zoltack said...

To-do lists always keep me on track! Thanks for the giveaway!

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

It really has increased my productivity. When I began doing this I had about 6,000 words written in my mg novel, now I am at 30,000 and have written four picture book manuscript drafts and one non fiction essay.

I still write a writing goal each day on my Daytimer, but keeping track of my progress has made a huge difference on how much I am accomplishing.

Myrna Foster said...

That is a really great idea. I keep track of word counts when I'm drafting, but I need something like that for revising.

Anonymous said...

Oh! I love that Build On idea! That is really cool and could help motivation! Super clever! =D

Crystal Collier said...

I tell you what, the group is AWESOME, and my accountability has sky rocketed since its initiation. I don't make lists, but I do journal my progress each day. Sitting down and writing about what I actually accomplished keeps me motivated.

Susan Fields said...

Awesome idea, Sharon! Thanks for sharing this tip - I'll have to give it a try. My productivity can certainly use a boost!

Christina Lee said...

Wow, now you've got me thinking (backwards). :D I make tons of lists, but if I wrote down what writing I did every day instead...huh.


Megan said...

This is an interesting idea. Lately I've started keeping track of my word counts, but when I go back to edit, I look at my little word count chart and get sad if I edited words out. I think is a better way to track progress. Thanks for sharing.

Melissa Sarno said...

Awesome tip :) (I don't need to be entered in the giveaway because I'm ashamed to say I have a little notebook and a planner and I never use the planner. HA)

Old Kitty said...

Look at Sharon and her gorgeous neat handwriting!!! Aww and she uses green ink! What's not to love about this wonderful woman!! Good luck everyone entering!! Thank you Sharon for your fab writerly tip! Take care

Carolyn V said...

I am a list person too. I wouldn't get anything done without my lists. ;)

Lenny Lee said...

wow! cool writing tip! for sure it could be a big help tracking what you write every day. i saw in your comment how its been helping you get lots more done.
...hugs from lenny

Kelly Polark said...

That is an excellent tip to log in your writing each day. Do you count writing a blog post as writing? Just curious. As that's all I've written in a week! :)

Christie Wright Wild said...

Great idea! Like a journal, only more specific. Are all writers list makers? Another great tool is Lazymeter.com. Thanks for the giveaway. I think I'll start writing what I DID accomplish. More positive and motivating. Thanks.

jpetroroy said...

This would definitely help me stick to my goals

jpetroroy at gmail dot com

Theresa Milstein said...

How nice to see our lovely group featured here. It's been wonderful for me. Since we began in January, I think I've written all but 10 days!

Jemi Fraser said...

Awesome! I think that would definitely help me keep on track - great idea Sharon!

Romance Book Haven said...

Fantastic idea, Sharon. Thanks for the giveaway but please don't enter me as I'm out oof the US.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I love writing lists as well! Good luck to those entering (I can't, I'm an Aussie)

Alison Miller said...

I'm a list person too - especially when it comes to my stories, but I never considered doing this to track progress. This actually is just what I need. Sometimes I feel I get to the end of the week and accomplished so little with my WIP. Maybe this will help me to see what I've actually done! Thanks! I'd love to win. alisonmiller20 (at) gmail (dot) com

Sigal Tzoore said...

I love this idea. It's a positive way to track how I'm going forward rather than getting stuck on what I still have to do. Anxiety relieving. I'd be very interested in joining the facebook group. stzoore (at) yahoo (dot) com

Romelle Broas said...

Great tip. Instead of a to-do list, it's a I did it list! A great way to focus on the positive.

Menaha said...

I'm definitely a list person (excel sheets galore) and what a great idea to keep motivated to write. Please don't include me in the giveaway, but I would love to join the Facebook Write On, Build On group

Christina Lasswell said...

I love this idea! I bought a journal and have been journaling little things about my writing journey, but not each day. I think that would be a helpful way to capture thoughts I've had throughout the day. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sharon! Great tip. I have a spiral notebook that I keep track of all writing-related things that I do each day. I also try to keep keep track of the time spent doing these things, that way I can see if I'm spending too much time on social media.


Shelli (srjohannes) said...

I would die without lists :)

Stina said...

My favorite is writing things I have to do on a sticky note and then get to it away once I'm finished. I've never thought of doing a progress list. Hmmmm

Robyn Campbell said...

Great tip woman! I will use it. I need to keep track of stuff. So I'm off to buy a calendar tomorrow. This is one reason we loves ya, Mayhew. You always GIVE back! Smooches.

Lydia Kang said...

Wow, our group is on Literary Rambles! I'm so proud!
Sharon, you've been such a great support in our group. It's so nice to be cheered on by some amazing writers!

Anonymous said...

Awesome idea. I make lists, but I don't write my daily progress. I do a weekly check-in on my writing with ROW80, though.

Connie Arnold said...

That is a wonderful idea! It's a positive affirmation when you accomplish productive things rather than a stress inducing list to worry about. Your group's idea of making a donation when you don't do any writing is certainly a good incentive!

Sharon K. Mayhew said...


I looked for you on facebook, but couldn't find you and your profile doesn't give me much information to go on. Please email me at sharon k mayhew at gmail dot com.