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Happy Monday Everyone! Hope you're somewhere warm. It's again frigid and sounds like it'll be like that for a few weeks. Yuck! And I've got another super, super busy month at work. Sorry I don't visit you at Twitter or Facebook much. But once I get to work, it's work, work, and more work with no lunch break. Hopefully it'll be better in April once I get the bankruptcies filed that must be filed in March.

But today's a great day because I have only one short appointment so I can get lots done. And I have a fantastic book and agent opportunity to share with you.

First, Steven Malk of Writers House is doing a Q&A with us tomorrow 3/4. His agent profile is HERE. Casey is in the process of updating it. So think up some great questions for Steven. Casey will compile the questions and do a post with Steven's answers in the next few weeks. Doesn't that sound fantastic?

I have two winners to announce.

The winner of ICE DOGS is Bish Denham!

And the winner of WHAT THE MOON SAID is Leslie Rose!

Congrats! E-mail me your address so your book can be sent to you. Please e-mail me by the end of Wednesday or I'll have to pick another winner.

Today I’m thrilled to have Natalie Lloyd here to share about her debut MG story A SNICKER OF MAGIC that released February 25, 2014. This is a magical realism story with a lot of contemporary in it that I loved. Felicity and her best friend Jonah and all the other characters in the story are so well developed and you can’t help loving them. And Midnight Gulge is a rich, vivid setting for the story. This is a story you and your middle grade kids will love. It's one of my favorite books this year.

Here’s a blurb from Goodreads:

Introducing an extraordinary new voice---a magical debut that will make your skin tingle, your eyes glisten . . .and your heart sing.

Midnight Gulch used to be a magical place, a town where people could sing up thunderstorms and dance up sunflowers. But that was long ago, before a curse drove the magic away. Twelve-year-old Felicity knows all about things like that; her nomadic mother is cursed with a wandering heart.

But when she arrives in Midnight Gulch, Felicity thinks her luck's about to change. A "word collector," Felicity sees words everywhere---shining above strangers, tucked into church eves, and tangled up her dog's floppy ears---but Midnight Gulch is the first place she's ever seen the word "home." And then there's Jonah, a mysterious, spiky-haired do-gooder who shimmers with words Felicity's never seen before, words that make Felicity's heart beat a little faster.

Felicity wants to stay in Midnight Gulch more than anything, but first, she'll need to figure out how to bring back the magic, breaking the spell that's been cast over the town . . . and her mother's broken heart.

Hi Natalie. Thanks so much for joining us.

Thanks for inviting me, Natalie! I’m so grateful for the time you and Casey put into this site. It was a big help (and encouragement) when I started researching agents.

1. So glad you found it helpful. Most of the authors I interview have used the agent spotlights, which makes us feel good. Tell us about yourself and how you became a writer. 

I’m a Tennessee girl, a dog-lover, and a chronic daydreamer. For as long as I’ve been able to daydream, I’ve wanted to be a writer. I fell in love with books as soon as I could read them, and I grew up surrounded by incredible storytellers. Like many booknerds I know, writing was a pretty seamless progression from my love for reading. Fiction has always been my first love, but I was too afraid to pursue publishing my fiction for way too long. I studied journalism in college and wrote freelance for several years. I’m grateful for those experiences, and enjoyed that work. But nothing makes my heart spin like fiction. A few years ago, I decided to get serious about finishing the novels I’d been trying to write. I knew actually pursuing publication would be heart-breaking at times. But I also believed that, long-term, I’d be much more heart-broken if I didn’t at least try.

2. That’s awesome how you fell in love with books when you could read. Me too. Where did you get the idea for your story?

One of the more pivotal events that inspired ASoM was a concert. I heard my favorite band, The Avett Brothers, play live a few years ago, and I was enchanted by the atmosphere of their show. People were dancing in the aisles and screaming out beautiful lyrics. I think I was most dazzled by the way their music connected people - people with different backgrounds, who believed different things. Music became this invisible thread that connected everybody, and gave us so much shared joy. It was more like a magic show than a concert. I think that concert (and their music, in general) helped me find my way to Midnight Gulch. But I didn’t start writing until several months later. During revisions, I realized I’d also written the book because I was homesick for people I love, and miss (my grandparents, in particular). Hearing the word “home” makes me think of my family, as much as any particular place. I think loving people, and being loved, is the best magic anybody can experience in a lifetime.

3. That’s a cool way to come up with an idea for your story. I love the characters in A SNICKER OF MAGIC. One of the reasons is that Felicity and Jonah (and the other characters) have such great voices. And voice is so important in middle grade stories. Share how you found the voices of Felicity and Jonah. Any tips for the rest of us?

Thank you! Voice is one of my most favorite elements of a story too. I loved writing from Felicity’s
perspective. I’m so new at this that I don’t think I have much advice worth sharing. But maybe it would be encouraging for someone to know that, for me, it always takes a few drafts to really know my characters, even if the voice comes fairly fully-formed. In early drafts, I feel like I’m still getting to know them, figuring out what they really want, understanding their personalities and motivations, and watching how they interact with each other. Instead of asking whether a kid would say this or that, I try to remember how I felt when I was that age; hopeful and vulnerable and wanting so much to be loved. (I still feel that way most of the time.) If the voice starts to feel flat or cliché, I sometimes open a new document and let the character “talk” for a while. To borrow a term from my theater friends, “staying in character” is one of the most fun parts of writing for me. It can take time to get to that place though, where the voice is genuine. It does for me, at least. So don’t be hard on yourself if it takes time to find your character’s voice.

4. Actually your advice to let the voice of the characters develop over the revision process is a good one. And it reassures me to know that I don’t have to get the voice perfect in my first draft. Midnight Gulch feels like a character too. It’s got such a unique, small town feel to it. Did you draw on a place you know or is it all fictional?

I grew up in a small town in east Tennessee, and I’m smitten with mountain towns in general. Midnight Gulch is based on lots of small, southern towns I know, and love. Franklin, Tennessee (a wonderfully funky town near Nashville) was one of my inspirations for Midnight Gulch. I think everybody has a few places that are magical in a way you can’t even describe. You don’t even understand it yourself. Maybe you’re just visiting a place you’ve never even been or didn’t even try to find, but suddenly you get this feeling like you’re home. Franklin is one of those places for me, even though I don’t live there and don’t get to visit often. I worked in Nashville one summer, and zoomed over to Franklin anytime I could, just because I loved it so much. Maybe because lots of musicians live there, or because of the proximity to Nashville, music always seemed to be tangled in the wind. People are so kind. The downtown is gorgeous. And Franklin has a sad, haunting connection to the Civil War. I liked that juxtaposition so much; being in a town that could be a little bit fanciful, but also steeped in history. I think that dynamic is part of what endears Midnight Gulch to Felicity, too. Felicity really wants to live in a town that values its history, a place where you can have roots that go way-down-deep.

5. I used to visit a small town in the mountains in Georgia and can relate to how you drew from small mountain town life in the South. What was the biggest challenge in writing A SNICKER OF MAGIC—plot, character development, voice, or setting—and how did you overcome it?

Balancing all of these aspects you mention is the hardest part for me. I’m working on a new novel now, and … it’s not any easier. But I’ve learned that a good story can spin up out of revisions. I heard Myra McEntire speak at an event a few years ago and she said, “I think of myself as a re-writer, not a writer.” That was such an encouragement for me, to know that even writers I admire so much, who write such engaging and lovely novels, have to revise. Getting the right feedback is crucial, too. My editor, Mallory Kass, is brilliant, and she helped me see more potential in the story than I realized it had. Somehow, she managed to do that without ever making me feel defeated. I think it was Richard Peck who said that a good editor holds a flashlight while you dig for buried treasure. That’s what working with Mallory feels like. I think revisions are tough even in the best of situations, but working with her is an incredible experience.

6. Ha! I love Myra’s quote because I’m definitely a re-writer, not a writer. I’ll remember that. Your agent is Suzie Townsend. Share how she became your agent and your road to publication.

I still can’t believe I get to work with Suzie. She’s wonderful! As far as how I began working with her; I sent a query letter and sample pages like she asks for in her guidelines. That’s probably not as interesting as many Agent/Author stories, but maybe it would encourage someone to know that it can happen that way.

A friend of mine, who is represented by Suzie, read an early draft of ASoM and encouraged me to query herBut I queried Suzie exactly the same way I would have without my friend’s thumbs-up. I’d used sites like Literary Rambles (*fist bump*), and QueryTracker, and the acknowledgement section of my favorite books to build a list of agents who might be interested in my work. I knew I wanted to work with someone editorial and who had great working relationship with a variety of childrens’ book editors. And I wanted to work with someone who could help me shape my career. Once I had a small list of agents, I researched how each one of them wanted a query.

(Suzie shared my query on her blog, if you’d like to see! Here’s the link: http://confessionsofawanderingheart.blogspot.com/2013/10/example-query-natalie-lloyd.html)

On the same day I queried Suzie, she asked for a full. When I got the next email from her, I could see that the note was short. Thus, I assumed she’d sent a polite rejection. I was surprised to open the email and see this sentence, which I have forever committed to memory: “I’ve been sitting at my desk reading this and I absolutely love it.”

On the day we talked on the phone, I was so nervous that I stress-ate my way through a giant bag of M&M’s. But within maybe two seconds of talking, I was just excited. Suzie is so kind and smart and easy to talk to. And she’s so professional; it’s obvious from the minute she starts talking that she knows what she’s doing. She answered questions I didn’t even think to ask, and her love for the book made my heart spin. I couldn’t believe she was talking to me about my characters. That was surreal.

Suzie suggested a few revisions, so we worked through those. Then she sent the story to a carefully curated list of editors she thought would be interested. I was in my hometown, at my aunt and uncle’s house, when she called to tell me we’d be working with Scholastic. I cried, of course. I remember hugging my arms tight around my chest because my heart was pounding so hard. I kept thinking - this is what it feels like when a dream comes true. It really feels like this! And it was an even better feeling than I ever imagined it would be. My editor, Mallory, called shortly after that to welcome me (and Felicity!) to Scholastic. I was so overwhelmed (and tearful … in a good way!) that I couldn’t answer. I let her call roll to voicemail. I think I’ve listened to that voicemail a billion times since then. Having a Scholastic tattoo on my book’s spine is a dream come true, and I’m so blessed to work with such incredible people.

I want to add this though: that’s a short(ish) version of a long story that includes LOTS of rejection, professional and personal. (I think the personal rejections factor in for writers, too; sometimes those can set you back even longer than a rejection letter.) I wrote a book a few years ago that I queried, and it never got a full request. I am so thankful now that it’s not my first book. Writing is wonderful. Publishing is hard, and often heart-breaking. In my less eloquent moments, I’ve described publishing as a dystopian version of the Oregon Trail game. You feel like you’re making strides and then BAM you get metaphorically snake-bit by rejection, or by self-doubt, or by circumstances beyond your control that crush your creative spirit … and you have to start all over again. So please accept my long distance hug (unless you don’t like hugs, then *high five*) and hear this: do not lose heart. And do NOT give up. If this story isn’t the one that gets published, there’s another story. There is always another story spinning up out of you. Write bravely. Query, when you’re ready. And then find the next story that makes your heart spin, and write that one. When the dream-come-true actually happens, it’s going to be even better than you’ve imagined.

7. It’s great knowing that old-fashioned researching agents and querying works. And I’ll remember to have a bag of candy on hand if I ever find out an agent wants to call me. I know you recently travelled to the Winter Institute in Seattle and ALA in Philadelphia. Share a bit about your experiences there. How did it work out for you to attend these events and how important is it for debut authors to try to attend big events like this?

Scholastic arranged those opportunities, and I’m so grateful! There’s no group I’d rather party with than librarians, teachers and booksellers. They’re an inspirational and fun bunch, and their passion for story is contagious. They have a packed schedule at those conferences, and had been in sessions all day, and yet they made time to chat with me about my book and encourage me. I’m so happy I got to meet so many kind people and thank them for what they do. If you’re able to attend events like that as a debut author, I think it’s an incredible experience. But sometimes, for a variety of reasons, it’s not possible. And it’s certainly not the only way to connect with other story-people. I think it definitely made me more conscious of connecting with librarians, booksellers and book-lovers in my area and thanking them for what they do.

8. That’s great that you got to connect with librarians, booksellers and book-lovers. It’s so important to do that. How are you planning to market A SNICKER OF MAGIC? Are you targeting any blogs that focus on middle grade books?

Scholastic has coordinated several fun opportunities, and I’m excited about them! I’ve been invited to several great blogs (like this one!) and a few events in the spring. I’m so grateful for the opportunities I’ve had to talk about Felicity.

9. It’s awesome how much Scholastic has helped you with promoting your book. What are you working on now?

I’m working on a new middle-grade novel. I can’t say much about it just yet, but I’m having fun getting to know a new set of characters. This is the most exciting phase of writing for me; early drafting. I know that’s nuts. So many writers I talk to prefer revisions, but I love the beginning when I can still get caught up in the spin of it all. When I can sort through ideas, memories, experiences, characters, and songs and just … write. In early drafting, writing always feels like a secret. Like a safe place, and an escape. That’s not to say I don’t get frustrated with it. I SO DO. But there’s so much I like about this part. So that’s where I am now; I’m picking up shiny pieces again, trying to see which ones catch the light. Or will catch the light, eventually, once I revise them a billion times. I’m back to trying to squash the self-doubt and write bravely. Again and again and again.

Thanks for sharing all your advice, Natalie. You can find Natalie at:

Blog: http://natalielloyd.blogspot.com
Twitter: _natalielloyd

Natalie’s publisher, Scholastic, generously offered an ARC of A SNICKER OF MAGIC for a giveaway. To enter, all you need to do is be a follower (just click the follow button if you’re not a follower) and leave a comment through March 15th. I’ll announce the winner on March 17th. If your e-mail is not on your Google Profile, please leave it in the comments.

If you mention this contest on Twitter, Facebook, or your blog, mention this in the comments and I'll give you an extra entry. You must be 13 or older to enter. International entries are welcome but the winner would get an e-book or $5.00 Amazon gift card.

Here’s what’s coming up:

On Wednesday I’m interviewing follower Kelly Polak and giving away ROCK 'N' ROLL PRINCESSES WEAR BLACK, her new MG contemporary story that sounds really good.

On Friday I’ll be participating in the Lucky is Reading Giveaway Hop. I’ll have lots of new YA releases to choose from.

Next Monday I’m interviewing debut author Christina Farley and giving away a copy of GILDED, her fantastic YA contemporary fantasy set in Korea. You really felt like you were there and I really loved this page-turner.

The Monday after that I’m interviewing debut author Kristi Helvig and giving away an ARC of BURN OUT, her YA sci-fi story. It’s a great story set on Earth about Tora, who may be the only person on Earth, who really needs to leave and has to decide if she can trust the people who come knocking on her door.

And don’t forget Casey’s Agent Spotlights.

Hope to see you on Wednesday!


Theresa Milstein said...

Natalie x2, this sounds like my kind of book. I'm looking it up right now!

Ruth Schiffmann said...

What a great interview. It's often the encouragement of others sharing their stories that helps me persevere. Thanks Natalie, and Natalie! (I'm adding A Snicker of Magic to my list now.)

jpetroroy said...

Sounds so charming!

Stina said...

I love Natalie's 'how I landed my agent' story. Yay to the old fashion querying.

Kristin Lenz said...

What a lovely, encouraging interview. Sounds like a great book to share with my daughter.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Putting yourself back into that age is a wonderful way to bring out genuine voice. I love the title of your book. Very cute.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the interview. I'm never going to tire from reading "how I landed my agent" stories. So inspiring and encouraging.


PS: don't enter me in the giveaway.

Suzanne Warr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suzanne Warr said...

Oops--my bad! I copied the comment to make sure it couldn't get lost in the posting and somehow changed it to something else entirely. Let me try that again...

Love the sound of A Snicker of Magic, and have added it to my goodreads Want to Read list! Thanks to both Natalies for a great interview, it was lovely reading about Natalie's journey so far. I'm leaving my email here, just in case, as I wouldn't want to miss the ARC giveaway. ;) That's spartan_writer (at) yahoo (dot) com. Thanks, and happy MMGM!

Rachna Chhabria said...

I too love Natalie's "how I met my agent story". A snicker of magic has a great premise. And I agree that MG books are all about voice. I have heard and also read that agents reject books where the distinct voice is missing.

Rachna Chhabria said...

Btw, Natalie, I hopped over to your agent's blog and read your query letter. Its amazing. Your voice shines through the descriptions and the sentences are so well constructed.

Bish Denham said...

I'm adding this to my goodreads list. Sounds delightful! Congratulations, Natalie.

Plus... I'm thrilled to be the winner of Ice Dogs!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That one line was awesome! Congratulations, Natalie.

Greg Pattridge said...

A wonderful interview to start my week. Really shows the determination it takes to make your dream come true. The cover looks great, too.

Jane Westwell said...

So much good sense in here and Natalie still comes across as being 'hopeful and vulnerable'. I have a literary agent now, but I remember only too well what it was like trying to find one to represent me. Well done Natalie, hope your lovely book flies :-) JJ

Rosi said...

Great interview. Lots of good information for writers here. I love the sound of this book and the cover is awfully cute. Thanks for the review and the chance to win. I'm looking forward to reading this.

cleemckenzie said...

Those ice cream scoops made me hungry just looking at them. Congrats to Natalie! Book sounds delightful.

Brenda said...

Wonderful interview bursting with great information. Midnight Gulch sounds like a really neat place and even better that it's based off a real town and mountain towns are the best. Plus, that cover is just way adorable.

Jessie Humphries said...

Your book sound amazing and charming. It is always so fascinating to me where people get these creative ideas.

Barbara Watson said...

I'm super excited to read this one! And thanks for the interview.

Joanne R. Fritz said...

Great advice about voice. And a fun interview. Thanks, Natalie and Natalie. I really want to read this book. Oh, and I tweeted. https://twitter.com/JoanneRFritz/status/440585501012013056

Carrie Butler said...

Describing publishing as a dystopian version of the Oregon Trail game is the greatest thing I've heard this year. Love it!

Angela Brown said...

I've seen a lot of agents mention the importance of voice so the tips offered in the interview are definitely helpful. I really enjoyed it.

Jemi Fraser said...

Love the title and Felicity sounds like a great character! Can't wait to check it out :)

Beth said...

Loved this interview. Natalie sounds great! Congratulations on being published!

Nicole said...

I've been hearing about 'A Snicker of Magic!" Great interview and congrats to Natalie!

Jenni said...

I loved what Natalie said about there always being another story inside! Congrats, Natalie, and thanks for an inspiring interview!

pandas4vic said...

Great interview...inspiring and encouraging! Love to read success stories!

Natasha said...

Great interview!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Sounds like an amazing read!!
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

Amy Mak said...

Congrats on being published! I follow Suzy's blog so I know how much she loved this. I would love to read this book! Thanks for the chance to win.

S.P. Bowers said...

Natalie A., sorry works been so busy.

Natalie L., I love the idea of a 'word collector '!

Anonymous said...

Great interview! Looking forward to reading this book....

E.G. Moore said...

A Snicker of Magic sounds like a bedtime read my girls will love! (We read a chapter or two each night!) This post has re-installed some hope for my novel and the querying process. Thanks for that!

E.G. Moore said...

Oops, if I win can you please send email to emilygmoorewriter@yahoo.com? Thanks!

Heather Villa said...

Wonderful questions and answers. Thank you.

Danielle H. said...

Thank you for the interview! I enjoyed reading about your writing process and how you find your characters' voices. Excellent advice! I have shared your interview on Facebook and hope to be the lucky winner. I'm putting your book on my to-read list now.

Jessica Lawson said...

I adored this interview and am so happy for Natalie and A Snicker of Magic~ thanks for highlighting such a special book!

Cherie Reich said...

What an adorable cover! Love the title too! Congrats, Natalie!

Jasmine Stairs said...

Oh, that sounds really fun. And I love the concept of the main character seeing words in her surroundings.

Leslie S. Rose said...

Grabbing this immediately for my 5th grade classroom shelf! Sounds like a blast.

Leslie S. Rose said...

Oh, and thank you thank you thank you for WHAT THE MOON SAID. Can't wait to dig in.

Liz said...

What a fun story. Congratulations!

Susan B James said...

Cant's wait to read a Snicker of Magic and I adore the cover. Thank You!!

Mary Preston said...

I enjoyed the interview thank you.


Jeri Baird said...

Great interview! I have A Snicker of Magic on my Amazon wish list - I'd be excited to win a copy! jeribaird11(at)gmail(dot)com

Carmen said...

Sounds like a fantastic book! Can't wait to read it. :)

Nancy said...

Sounds like a fabulous book! And a wonderful interview! I don't know Natalie but her sincerity, joy, and generosity toward her readers shine through!

Kiersti Torok said...

I love the title and the cover! The description is so quaint and charming. Books with truly unique voices are hard to find these days--super excited to read this!

Joseph Miller said...

Looks like a great book!

Kim Aippersbach said...

The description of this book grabbed me right away. I'd love to win a copy! aippersbach at shaw dot ca

Charlotte said...

I'm looking forward to Snicker of Magic Tons!

Rachel said...

I'd love to win a copy! Lots of holds at my library, so I'm still waiting :)