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Happy Monday Everyone! Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving. We spent it with a really good friend's family and it made our first holiday without Rudy much easier. This is kind of a hard time for me because Friday would have been my sister's birthday and yesterday would have been Rudy's. Then Wednesday is the anniversary of my sister's death. I got through yesterday and am glad it's over.

Oh, and if that's not enough, today is my last day at work. I'm actually feeling ready for it to just end all ready. And I'm still planning to stay friends with everyone I work with. Most of us have been together for over 10 years. I'm looking forward to a little break while I continue to look for a new job. I've only been off work for about one month since I was 15 so I'm going to try to enjoy it.


The Insecure Writer’s Support Group Guide to Publishing and Beyond was just published! Here's a blurb:
Tapping into the expertise of over a hundred talented authors from around the globe, The IWSG Guide to Publishing and Beyond contains something for every writer. Whether you are starting out and need tips on the craft of writing, looking for encouragement as an already established author, taking the plunge into self-publishing, or seeking innovative ways to market and promote your work, this guide is a useful tool. Compiled into three key areas of writing, publishing, and marketing, this valuable resource offers inspirational articles, helpful anecdotes, and excellent advice on dos and don'ts that we all wish we knew when we first started out on this writing journey. And here's a few links:

And Angela Brown's new YA urban fantasy BEACON was just released.Here's a blurb:
For seventeen-year-old Macie Breen, life in The Colony is a daily norm of being the odd girl out, that is, until everyday predictable slams to a screeching halt. Forced to the capital city of Bliss, Macie's life becomes a horrific unraveling as she confronts daunting truths about The Colony as well as who, or what, she really is.
And here's a few links:
Buy links: Evernight | Amazon

Today I'm excited to have Jaye Robin Brown here with a guest post and giveaway of her new YA contemporary NO PLACE TO FALL. Details of the giveaway are at the end of the post.

So here's Jaye.


Like most of you, I plunged into writing because I had this story rattling at my brain-pan, busting to get out. If someone along the way had sat me down and explained what the road map was going to look like—you know, the one that follows the route from early scribblings to eve of my debut novel—I might have parked the proverbial car right then and there. Because holy road trip, it would resemble something from The Amazing Race, and daring adventure is not my strong suit.

But guess what is? Tenacity.

The farther I get into this publishing business I’m starting to think that’s all a writer really needs. Yes, talent is good. Yes, knowing the craft is good. But neither of those things is worth a hill of beans if you don’t have the kind of iron grip that makes you hang on, no matter what. Tenacity, learn it, own it, be it. (picture my day job teacher look here)

I remember hearing stories at SCBWI conferences about “oh, it took my 3rd manuscript to find an agent.” And me thinking, “Wow, she really stuck with it. (It took my 4th). Then, “oh my first manuscript didn’t sell”, and me thinking, gosh that would suck (2nd manuscript for me, too-thought the 6th I’d written). I’d hear stories about writers losing that magical agent and having to start querying again and I thought, that must be the worst (when it happened to me it did feel like the worst, but it turned out to be a rainbow in disguise). Then I heard other side of the fence stories about second book manuscript drafts rejected (yep) and editors leaving to go to new houses (yep) and ouch. All those bumps hurt and leave you needing a soul aspirin, but for some crazy reason, your tenacious heart WON’T LET GO.

And that’s it. The magic recipe for ending up here. A week away from a debut about to release into the
world. Your path won’t look like mine and with a million different choices open to authors in today’s world, that’s okay. But whatever your route, self-pub, small press, agented and big house, there will be detours, surprises, disappointments, and things that just plain hurt, but whatever happens, don’t quit.

Be true to your words. Always keep writing. And be tenacious. You’ve got this.

You can find Jaye at:


Here's a description of NO PLACE TO FALL from Goodreads:

 Amber Vaughn is a good girl. She sings solos at church, babysits her nephew after school, and spends every Friday night hanging out at her best friend Devon’s house. It’s only when Amber goes exploring in the woods near her home, singing camp songs with the hikers she meets on the Appalachian Trail, that she feels free—and when the bigger world feels just a little bit more in reach.

When Amber learns about an audition at the North Carolina School of the Arts, she decides that her dream—to sing on bigger stages—could also be her ticket to a new life. Devon’s older (and unavailable) brother, Will, helps Amber prepare for her one chance to try out for the hypercompetitive arts school. But the more time Will and Amber spend together, the more complicated their relationship becomes . . . and Amber starts to wonder if she’s such a good girl, after all.

Then, in an afternoon, the bottom drops out of her family’s world—and Amber is faced with an impossible choice between her promise as an artist and the people she loves. Amber always thought she knew what a good girl would do. But between “right” and “wrong,” there’s a whole world of possibilities.

Jaye has generously offered a copy of NO PLACE TO FALL for a giveaway. To enter, all you need to do is be a follower (just click the follow button if you’re not a follower) and leave a comment through December 13th. I’ll announce the winner on December 15th. If your e-mail is not on your Google Profile, please leave it in the comments.

If you mention this contest on Twitter, Facebook, or your blog, mention this in the comments and I'll give you an extra entry. This is for US only.

Here’s what’s coming up:

Next  Monday I'll have an interview with Medeia Shariff and a giveaway of VITAMINS AND DEATH, her YA contemporary.

The following Monday I have a guest post by Trisha Leaver and giveaway of CREED, her YA suspenseful debut book.

Saturday that week I'll be participating in the Midwinter Eve's Giveaway Hop. I'll have lots of great book choices for you or an Amazon Gift Card.

Then I'm off until January 5th when I start the New Year with a fantastic line up of debut author interviews and guest posts.

Hope to see you on Monday!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jaye, I might've parked the car as well! Good thing no one told me.
Natalie, thanks for featuring the IWSG book today. Hope you find a new job soon, but I also hope you take some time and enjoy a little freedom.

Karen Lange said...

It's nice to meet Jaye! Love meeting other writers. Wishing her all the best. I'll pass on the giveaway this time around.

I'll be picking up the IWSG book today. Thanks for the info about it. Hope you get to rest and recharge a bit in the coming weeks. Take care.

Christine Rains said...

Yay for Angela and the IWSG! :) Excellent guest post. Tenacity is so important. I've seen so many writers just give up. Sticking with it does mean a lot!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Tenacity, persistence, and determination.

May it be a good last day of work for you.

S.P. Bowers said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Natalie! Glad you had someone to spend the day with. Hang in there. And good luck on the job search.

Tenacity. So true. It might just be the most important tool in the toolbox.

No Place To Fall sounds like a great book. Can't wait to read it. Congrats, Jaye!

Beth said...

Since I'm Canadian, I guess I'm out of luck for the contest. Sounds like a great book! I'll be thinking of you this week, Natalie - it's a challenging time for you. All the best. xo

Gwen Gardner said...

Natalie, hugs to you! You're dealing with a lot. Hang in there.

Congrats to Angela on Beacon!

Jaye, congrats to you. You're so right about tenacity being key.

Stephen Tremp said...

Good luck with the job search. Good things will open up soon! Just have to stay tenacious.

And good luck to Angela and Jaye with their projects!

cleemckenzie said...

Getting through those milestones is always a challenge. I just did that in November while I was out of the country. My mom died Nov. 13 last year and I thought how strange that I off traveling a year later. Mostly, I couldn't believe she'd been gone a whole year.

Here's to that time off and a new job.

Congrats to Angela and Jaye. I hope their books do well.

Donna K. Weaver said...

Congrats to Angela. And Jaye's book sounds intriguing.

Terra said...

These books sound intriguing and I can always use writing advice and a cheering section. You mention keeping up friendships with ex-colleagues. For 4 years now I organize a once a month lunch get together for 6-8 of us, a nice way to keep in touch. I am giving away 2 copies of my Christmas book on my blog; just leave a comment :)

Robyn Campbell said...

Natalie, so much on you. I am sorry. How I wish I could lift your heavy load. I thought about you during Thanksgiving. I sure am thankful for you, my friend. I will have you in my heart and thoughts especially at this time of year.

Lovely to meet Jaye. The iron grip is a fantastic way of describing our writerly lives. Love it! Your book sounds fabulous.

YaY for IWSG. I have it ready to read. Glad you featured it. I will on Wednesday.

Paula Stokes said...

So much love to you JRo. I'm so excited for NO PLACE TO FALL. And I like the way you think too, because tenacity is something I can do :D It's something we all can do; it's a way to give each of us a little bit of control in this out-of-control publishing world. #ValentinesForever

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Such true words about tenacity.
And I'm super excited about the IWSG book. Thanks for sharing it here!

Jenni said...

What a great post, Jaye! So inspiring! And your book sounds amazing.
And I'm so excited about the ISWG book. Thanks for featuring it, Natalie!

erin said...

thanks for such a fun post and congrats on the new release Jaye!!
gfc: erin

Rosi said...

Parked the car... Ha! Haven't we all thought of doing that. I've even done it for awhile, but get in and rev up the motor once in a while and take a little spin now and then. I hope to truly get back on the road soon. The book sounds great, but I will step aside on this one. My TBR stack is about to topple over.

J Lenni Dorner said...

Mentioned on Twitter, Facebook, and G+.
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving, too. Sorry to hear about Rudy and your sister.
Looks like there's a great month ahead! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Angela Brown said...

Congrats to Jaye on maintaining her tenacity to bring her writing dream to fruition. I must agree, tenacity is an ingredient that will tend to sort out the dreamers from the dreamers-in-action.

And thanks so much for sharing about Beacon. Big Hugs as well for the various things coming your way, Natalie. You are exhibiting tenacity to accept the changes in your life, adjust and adapt and work toward healing and improvement.

Carl Scott said...

This sounds really good, a whole lot of soul-searching to be sure. Thanks for the chance to win a copy, I think we'll enjoy it.
I follow your blog by email: carlscott(at)prodigy(dot)net(dot)mx
I also tweeted a link to this post: https://twitter.com/carlrscott/status/539952077976260608
Thanks again

Heather said...

I'm so sorry the holidays are tough for you. :( (((hugs))) I try to approach it as enjoying the day for those I've lost, it helps.

On a bright note, congrats to the Support Group,Angela, and Jaye on their new releases! On my way to check those out right now!

DMS said...

I am glad Thanksgiving went as well as it did for you and I am sending you a hug. What a tough time of year for you.

Thanks for sharing Jaye's story with us. I liked hearing about her path to publication. I think many of us can relate to her story! It is definitely a different path than I thought it would be when I started! :) No Place to Fall has a fabulous cover! Love it!

Thanks for the giveaway.

Emily R. King said...

Jaye's story sounds great. And congrats to Angela!

M Pax said...

Hugs to you in dealing with all that. I hope you enjoy your time.

And it's wonderful to learn of Jaye and her book.

Kristin Lenz said...

Congrats to Jaye!

Natalie - I'm thinking about you and sending love. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Jaye's book looks amazing! You have my thoughts and prayers, but take the time to breathe and relax if you can :-)

Denise Covey said...

Natalie, all the best looking for that new job. Please enjoy your time off. Before you know it, you'll be at the old 9 to 5 again!

Lovely to hear about Angela's book and the post by Jaye was inspirational. No one ever said it would be easy to be a published writer, did they?


Jaye Robin Brown said...

Popping in late to say thank you for all the book excitement and glad the post bolstered a few spirits (or clinging fingernails!)

Jaye Robin Brown said...

Word to the #Vals4Evah

Vanessa Morgan said...

Lovely selection. I'd like to read No Place To Fall.

Carrie Butler said...

I absolutely adore that cover! :)

Carol Riggs said...

Wow, you have a lot of fun things planned, and thanks for the book giveaway opportunity! Sounds like a good book. :)

Danielle H. said...

Thanks for sharing your journey. I always love to read about paths to publication. thanks for the giveaway--I shared on Facebook.

Ann Finkelstein said...

Natalie: Sending hugs. Good luck with your job search.

Anita Saxena said...

Natalie, I hope you thoroughly enjoy your time off.
J-Ro, your tenacity inspires. Congratulations on your debut!

Pizzos3.com said...

A post of peaks and valleys-yet it is well. Congratulations on discovering, exploring and enjoying all things new.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to enter the giveaway. sharif(at)sharifwrites(dot)com

The publishing road has many bumps indeed.

Hugs to you Natalie and I hope the job search goes well.