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Happy Wednesday and April 1st Everyone! Today I have Publicist Samantha Lien here to tell you about herself and her company, Roger Charlie. She's offering a free 15 minute consultation too. Details will be at the end of the post.

So here's Samantha!

Hi and thank you so much for having me! I wanted to take the opportunity to share what it is I do in case it is helpful to any of your followers, and also connect with even more of your readers out there, as one of my very favorite people to work with are book bloggers and reviewers!

First of all - let me fill you in a bit on who I am. My name is Sami and I run a company called
Roger Charlie that specializes in publicity and management for creative professionals - particularly authors, musicians and small businesses. I actually just recently jumped out on my own after nearly four years working exclusively in literary publicity because in addition to books. Both local/small business and music are also two of my very biggest passions, and I wanted to move more into supporting those endeavors, as well.

Just two months in, I’m having an absolute blast and working with some of the funnest, most creative minds! From drumming up press releases and media for an author’s international visit to Trinidad & Tobago, sitting down with a local pie company to talk about a new foray into cookbooks, or even helping a band on-the-rise really grow into a new level of recognition, I’m lucky to get to dive headfirst into many different things, and put my brain together with other bright minds to help foster success for everyone involved on a project! The neat thing about PR is that it really keeps the door open to be expansive on creative thinking and try new, fun ideas to drive attention to a brand.

I really love what I do. I love that thought that publicity really revolves around reaching out to people who may have not otherwise heard about a great book, band or business had I not been in touch, and I get excited when someone responds enthusiastically. It really cultivates a positive attitude and experience for everyone involved, and I’m all for supporting anything that motivates and inspires an individual to move forward ferociously in the things that they really love.

I also run with my husband called Songs for Jake, a collaborative music channel that operates around the simple mission of getting great songs to one really big music lover. Jake, my younger brother, has cerebral palsy - which I only mention to emphasize the impact music has on his life. While he can't talk or tell you in words about the music he enjoys, he definitely can show you the happiness it brings him through his laughter and excitement. The project also marries a passion for creating, finding and sharing that music with Jake, along with others who may benefit from music therapy.

I run Songs for Jake and Roger Charlie because I think it’s so important to incorporate the things you are truly dedicated to into your day-to-day work and life, because it fosters growth and encourages even more people to jump in and be part of the conversation.

I’d love to create some conversation with all of you and your readers, too! What are some of your favorite books/authors? What about bands/music? Have you ever seen a particularly awesome playlist that an author created for their story? I always love Amalie Howard’s choices (you can see one for her book Alpha Goddess here ).

Please do feel free to reach out to continue the conversation, and feel free to connect with me through any of the following platforms, as well:

Official Website: RogerCharlie.com
Social Media:

Thank you again, Natalie!

Samantha has generously offered a free 15 minute phone consultation for one lucky winner. To enter, all you need to do is be a follower (just click the follow button if you’re not a follower) and leave a comment through April 18th. I’ll announce the winner on April 20th. You must let me know in the comments that you want to be entered into the contest to be entered. If your e-mail is not on your Google Profile, please leave it in the comments.

If you mention this contest on Twitter, Facebook, or your blog, mention this in the comments and I'll give you an extra entry. This is for US only.

Here's what's coming up:

Next Monday I'll have an interview with debut author Fonda Lee and a giveaway of ZEROBOXER, her YA science-fiction book.

And the Monday after that, Alex Cavanaugh will be here to share about his new adult science fiction book, DRAGON OF THE STARS, and to give advice about social media and blogging. 

The following Monday I have a guest post by Megan Morrison and a giveaway of GROUNDED: THE ADVENTURES OF RAPUNZEL, her YA fairytale retelling. 

Hope to see you on Monday!


Beth said...

Wow - what a great job, and a fun giveaway. I just noticed that it's only for the U.S, so unfortunately I don't qualify.

Kristin Lenz said...

Kudos to Samantha for following your passions and creating work that you're dedicated to. I especially love the Songs for Jake project. Sure, enter me for the consultation - thanks, Natalie!

Stephen Tremp said...

It's great to meet Samantha! What an inspiring post. I did a blog last month about a guy who made a children's book dedicated to his daughter with a similar situation. Amazing to see what people can do to help others. Good luck to you Samantha.

Christine Rains said...

It's lovely to meet you, Samantha. I love reading about how people are helping others in such wonderfully creative ways. Good luck!

Amy said...

Great post, and I'd love to be entered in the giveaway. Thank you. amypatrickbooks@yahoo.com

cleemckenzie said...

A good publicist is so important. They can truly make a huge difference not only with connections, but also with relieving an author of a lot of work . Sign me up! cleemckenzieATgmailDOT com

Jenni said...

It's great to meet you, Samantha! I love hearing about what you do and how you got into Songs for Jake. I'm not at the point that I need a publicist, so count me out. But it was great to get insight into what you do do for the future.

Donna K. Weaver said...

What a lovely mission, Samantha is on with the music. Her brother is lucky to have her.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

It's wonderful she has such enthusiasm for both projects. Publicity is tough and it helps to have someone working with you that has passion.

Peaches Ledwidge said...

Samantha, sounds like you have a job that allows you to have fun. And what you do for your brother is amazing.

M Pax said...

Publicity would be a fun job. I have no idea how to go about it though. All success, Samantha.

Sami Jo said...

Thank you so much, Jenni! So nice to meet you, too! :)

Sami Jo said...

Donna - you are so sweet. We are the lucky ones! Jake is a constant ray of sunshine. I'm actually on a Tom Petty kick today (thanks to Jake!) :)

Sami Jo said...

Thank you, Diane! When we each get to create exactly the life we want, why not go for what you love? I really do have so much fun with Roger Charlie, and Bradley and have a blast with our music project. :)

Sami Jo said...

If you ever have questions, or want to learn more, definitely feel free to reach out! Sam@RogerCharlie.com

Sami Jo said...

Thank you, Peaches!

Sami Jo said...

Thank you, Christine!

Sami Jo said...

How cool! I'd love to see a bit more about the book and their story. Would you send it to me? Sam@RogerCharlie.com

Sami Jo said...

Thanks, Kristin!

Liz Brooks said...

Publicity sounds like an interesting job. Personally, I get scared at the thought of even talking to strangers, so I admire Samantha for being able to handle this sort of thing and actually enjoy it.

Sami Jo said...

When people are sweet like you, Liz - it makes it a little bit easier! Thank you for your sweet note!

Tyrean Martinson said...

I love the way you've incorporated things that you love into your work life. Wonderful!

Nicole Zoltack said...

Nice to meet you, Samantha!

I'd love to be entered in the contest. Nicole.Zoltack@gmail.com

Gwen Gardner said...

Good luck on your new endeavor, Sami. Your enthusiasm alone is impressive!

Hi Natalie!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

incorporating the things we are truly dedicated to into our day-to-day work and life is great advice!

Empty Nest Insider said...

Songs For Jake and Roger Charlie both sound wonderful, because they're so helpful and near and dear to your heart, Samantha! This is such a great giveaway! Thanks for hosting Samantha, Natalie!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I dig her excitement and passion!

Tammy Theriault said...

How awesome! I am totally loving new alternative music here in the Seattle area!

Rosi said...

Terrific post. Thanks for this.

Krysten Lindsay Hager said...

Great post. Samantha shows she has such passion for what she does. Would love to be entered for a consultation. Shared on Twitter.

The Pen and Ink Blogspot said...

Love the idea of Songs for Jake! And the variety of your business sounds like a beautiful challenge.

Author Amok said...

I like bed hearing about your projects, especially Songs for Jake. Good luck with your new business!

Author Amok said...

I like bed hearing about your projects, especially Songs for Jake. Good luck with your new business!

Kimberly Gabriel said...

Her passion is infectious! Great post Natalie! I'd love to be a part of the contest if I can "win" it for my CP who has a book coming out next year and is starting to delve into self promoting. Hope you're well Natalie! Very excited to see you're having Alex on in two Monday's!

Suzanne Warr said...

Really enjoyed this interview, and the reminder that it's so important to make what we love a considerable part of our lives. Thanks, Natalie and Samantha! Please enter me in the giveaway--email in on my google profile.

As for bands, I'm kind of a huge Good Charlotte fan, but my kids have made me branch out, and since they're both Bronies, that means lots of fun indie music made by other Bronies. Also love a good soundtrack, and couldn't have written the last book without the music from Pacific Rim running in the background! Lots of fun there. :D


Anonymous said...

I'm pleased to read about Samantha. It is a great feeling to reach out to others about artistic endeavors, whether they're ours or those of others.

Unknown said...

What a cool contest! I have decided to return to my writing and pursue it as a business, so I could certainly use some advice from Samantha. Count me in!

Unknown said...

I worked with Sami, and while she seems like a nice enough person, I wouldn't hire her for publicity. She did very little that I hadn't already done for myself, and didn't follow up with contacts when she said she would - making me look bad and nearly costing me the opportunity for a signing event. The events organizer at another bookstore even chastised her in an email to both of us for not passing on important information to me, stating that she had done these events in the past and should have know the store's policies. I wish I had been able to find reviews for Roger Charlie before I paid her. As I still can only find interviews that she's done to promote herself (and no review forum), I decide to spread the word this way.