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Happy Monday Everyone! Today I have author Elaine Kaye here to celebrate the release of her MG fantasy THE BAD FAIRY. It is book one in the series and sounds like a sweet story kids will enjoy. In case you don't know this about Ellen, she's follower Chrys Fey's mother. Wouldn't it be cool to share writing with your mom?

Title: Bad Fairy
Series: A Bad Fairy Adventure (Book One)
Author: Elaine Kaye
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Genre: Fantasy Middle Grade
Length: 66 pages
Age Range: 8-12

BLURB: Thistle Greenbud is not a bad fairy. She simply doesn't like rules, and it's just her luck that her homework is to create a new rule for the fairy handbook. But first, she has more important things to do. Like figure out how to get back at Dusty and Moss for playing tricks on her.

Before she can carry out her plan, though, disaster strikes and she finds herself working alongside the very fairies she wanted revenge on. Can they work together and trust each other, or will things go from bad to worse?


10 Things You May Not Know About Fairies:

-       They live for approximately 400 - 1,000 years.

-       Even when a fairy is 1,000 years old, they will always appear youthful.

-       When fairies reach the age of seven, they stop aging physically.

-       Also, at the age of seven, they are already adults.

-       Some fairies, though, are immortal.

-       A group of fairies is known as a troop.

-       Fairies live in another dimension known as the fairy realm that humans cannot not travel to freely, but humans with second sight can see fairies.

-       Fairies don’t want to be seen, though, so even if you have second sight it may be hard to see them, especially when they use invisibility to hide.

-       They know which herbs to use for their magical properties.

-       They can also weave magic into herbs to increase the herbs’ healing powers. 


As we watch the boys, the wind picks up, making the fern lay flat, exposing us. We gasp and make a dash for the closest tree. Behind it, we huddle together.

“Boogles! A branch just hit me,” Weedy says.

The sky turns black. Wind swirls dust and leaves, and spits pebbles at us. This is not good. We have to get going now or else our payback will get blown away.

“Let’s go!” I scream and lead the group from behind the tree, but the wind makes it hard for 
us to move forward.

Rose and Lilly grab hands as they run, screaming, toward the creek. Lacey stumbles over a fallen twig, landing flat and hitting her face hard on the ground. When she doesn’t move, I race to her as sand and pine needles prick my skin.

I help Lacey to her feet. Luckily, she only has a few cuts on her face. A tiny bit of blood streaks down her forehead. She looks at me. Fear is bright in her eyes. She needs help. We all need help. I peer toward the creek. The boys are still there, frantically trying to lift the bag full of stones.

Shouting a warning and waving my arms, I hurry to the creek, trying to get their attention. Finally, Dusty sees me. He looks as if he’s been caught with his hand in the pixie jar.

I point to the sky and wave them to come our way. Rain starts to fall. Dusty pulls Moss from the creek. Fat drops of water pelt my head and wings as I wait for the boys to reach me.

“It must be a twisty!” Dusty screams. “We better find shelter.”


3 Signed Paperback Picture Books –
Pea Soup Disaster, Doctor Mom, The Missing Alphabet

Eligibility: International

Number of Winners: One

Giveaway Ends: July 1, 2020 12:00am Eastern Standard Time


Elaine Kaye is the author of A Gregory Green Adventure series. She first created Gregory Green after her son, who loved her homemade pea soup, thus inspiring the story Pea Soup DisasterBad Fairy is her middle grade debut and the first of A Bad Fairy Adventure series.

Kaye has worked as a library assistant and teacher’s assistant in elementary schools in the Sunshine State. She currently lives in Florida, but she has called Michigan; Honolulu, Hawaii; and Okinawa, Japan home. She is a grandmother of three boys.

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Marvelous Middle Grade Monday (Wednesday for me this month) is hosted by Greg Pattridge. You
can find the participating blogs on his blog.

Here's what's coming up:

Wednesday, June 17th I have an agent spotlight interview with Kristina Perez and a query critique giveaway

Monday, June 22nd I have an interview with author Niki Lenz and a giveaway of her MG humorous contemporary THE STEPMOM SHAKEUP

Wednesday, July 1st I have Chrys Fey here with a guest post and an e-book giveaway of one of her books

Hope to see you on Monday!


L. Diane Wolfe said...

Congrats to Elaine and good thing she can see fairies.

nashvillecats2 said...

Congratualations to Elaine I'm sure this book will be a success.


Faith said...

My little girls would love this. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

A troop of fairies - I learned something today.
Congratulations to Elaine!

Max @ Completely Full Bookshelf said...

This book sounds so fun! I saw another blog tour post about it recently, and now I'm even more intrigued! Thanks for the great post!

Patricia T. said...

What a delightful series! I believed in fairies as a child. I still look for fairy circles on the edge of a woods. You can't miss them. I also enjoyed the history about fairies as it added to the intrigue! Perfect summer read!

lkrichmanauthor said...

Congrats, and I loved learning more about fairies! 💜

Chrys Fey said...

Hi, Natalie! Thank you so very much for hosting my mom for her blog tour during MMGM. When I told my mom that, she was thrilled. :)

P.S. Just a little thing...you spelled her name wrong in the title and post. It's Elaine, not Ellen. <3

Natalie Aguirre said...

So sorry for the mistake. And thanks for catching it. I just corrected it.

Elaine Kaye said...

Hi Natalie! Thank you for having Bad Fairy on your blog today. I am truly honored.

Elaine Kaye said...

I am glad to hear that, Faith. :)

Elaine Kaye said...

Thank you! I'm so happy that you're intrigued after seeing two posts about Bad Fairy. :)

Elaine Kaye said...

Thank you, Patricia! I also love looking for signs of fairies out in nature.

Elaine Kaye said...

Thank you!

Elaine Kaye said...

I'm happy to teach you something new, Alex. :)

Thank you!

Elaine Kaye said...

Thank you, L. Diane! ;)

Elaine Kaye said...

Thank you, Yvonne!

Greg Pattridge said...

Sounds like a fun magical series. I have a few kids in mind who would love the stories. Thanks for the extra background on fairies and the excerpt.

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

Bad Fairy is a great story for young readers and for older ones, too. Congratulations, Elaine.

Jemi Fraser said...

Congrats to Elaine! Love the fairy lore!

Brenda said...

What a cute cover and surely will appeal to kids who like the Rainbow Magic series.

June McCrary Jacobs said...

This book sounds like a fun read-aloud for a classroom, library, or family. The cover is delightful. Wishing Elaine all the best on her debut! Thanks for the nice giveaway. :0}

June McCrary Jacobs said...

Oops! I guess I should have written, 'Wishing Elaine all the best on her debut book for this new series!' {Sorry about that . . . }.

Jenni said...

This sounds adorable! I love the cover and reading the fairy "facts"! That's so cool that Elaine and Chris can share a family love of writing.
Thanks for a great feature, Natalie!

DMS said...
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DMS said...

Bad Fairy sounds delightful. I love the cover! So beautiful and fun. I know kids will be drawn to it too. How awesome that Chrys and Elaine can share their love of writing together. :) Wishing Elaine all the best!

Rosi said...

These books look really cute. I love the list of facts. Thanks for the post.

Elaine Kaye said...

Thank you, Greg! I hope the kids you have in mind enjoy it. :)

Elaine Kaye said...

Thank you so much for your endorsement!

Elaine Kaye said...

Thank you, Jemi!

Elaine Kaye said...

Thank you, Brenda!

Elaine Kaye said...

Hi, June! Thank you so much for your comment. I truly hope it'll be a fun read-aloud. :) And you're welcome for the giveaway!

Elaine Kaye said...

Hi, Jenni! Thank you for your comment. :)

Elaine Kaye said...

Hi, Jess! Thank you for your comment. I'm really happy that one of my kids got the writing gene, or I'd be all alone.

Elaine Kaye said...

Hi, Rosi! Thank you for your comment. :)

شوقي عوض said...
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Stephen Tremp said...

Best wishes to Elaine. That's my mom's middle name. Yes diversity is muy importante I took the time to ensure there is much diversity o the Chase Manhattan series I think I did a pretty good job.