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Debut Author Interview: Andrea Contos and Throwaway Girls Giveaway and IWSG Post

 Happy Wednesday Everyone! Can you believe it's September already? I hope you're all hanging in there and staying healthy. I am and am grateful that everyone I know and love is healthy.

Today I’m thrilled to have Andrea Contos here to share about her YA debut thriller Throwaway Girls. I was lucky to get an ARC on NetGalley and loved it! It was fast-paced and kept me guessing till the end. And I just discovered that Andrea lives not that far from me when I was preparing her interview. Before I get to my interview with Andrea, I have Follower News and my IWSG Post.

Follower News

Long-time follower Julie Able recently debuted with her MG fantasy Eva Evergreen, Semi-Magical Witch. Here's a blurb and some links:

Eva Evergreen, Semi-Magical Witch is a Japanese-inspired middle grade fantasy that follows the adventures of 12-year-old Eva, a girl with a pinch of magic who must travel to a seaside town in order to complete her witch training, or risk losing her magic forever. Perfect for Ghibli fans of Kiki's Delivery Service or MG fantasies like Aru Shah, Kirkus called it "bewitching, a must-read for fantasy lovers" in their starred review, and Publisher's Weekly said "In this thoroughly charming debut, Abe centers Eva’s ingenuity, resilience, and adaptability, as well as the strength of friendship" in their starred review.

Here's a few links:
Eva Evergreen Ordering Links Page: www.julieabebooks.com/eva-evergreen

FYI I'm offering Julie's book as a choice in my September to Remember Giveaway Hop.


Posting: The first Wednesday is officially Insecure Writer's Support Group Day.

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

The awesome co-hosts for the September 2 posting of the IWSG are PJ Colando, J Lenni Dorner, Deniz Bevan, Kim Lajevardi, Louise - Fundy Blue and me!

Optional Question: If you could chose one author, living or dead, to be your beta partner, who would it be and why?

This is a fun one. I'd definitely pick Jennifer Nielsen. I fell in love with her as an author when I read her debut MG The False Prince, which I nominated for a Cybils award that she won. Since then, she's written many MG and YA fantasy and historical fiction. She is incredibly versatile and talented. I love how she writes. Her plots are fast-moving and she has a great writing style where every word counts. Plus she's a super nice person.

I just finished her YA fantasy series, The Traitor's Game, and the whole series was  fantastic. And guess what? She's going to be here for an interview and giveaway of her latest book, The Captive Kingdom, on Wednesday, October 7th, our next IWSG meeting. I can't wait!

Who would you pick as your beta partner?

Interview With Andrea Contos

Here’s a blurb of Throwaway Girls from Goodreads

Caroline Lawson is three months away from freedom, otherwise known as graduation day. That's when she'll finally escape her rigid prep school and the parents who thought they could convert her to being straight.

Until then, Caroline is keeping her head down, pretending to be the perfect student even though she is crushed by her family and heartbroken over the girlfriend who left for California.

But when her best friend Madison disappears, Caroline feels compelled to get involved in the investigation. She has her own reasons not to trust the police, and she owes Madison — big time.

Suddenly Caroline realizes how little she knew of what her friend was up to. Caroline has some uncomfortable secrets about the hours before Madison disappeared, but they're nothing compared to the secrets Madison has been hiding. And why does Mr. McCormack, their teacher, seem to know so much about them?

It's only when Caroline discovers other missing girls that she begins to close in on the truth. Unlike Madison, the other girls are from the wrong side of the tracks. Unlike Madison's, their disappearances haven't received much attention. Caroline is determined to find out what happened to them and why no one seems to notice. But as every new discovery leads Caroline closer to the connection between these girls and Madison, she faces an unsettling truth.

There's only one common denominator between the disappearances: Caroline herself.

Hi Andrea! Thanks so much for joining us!

1. Tell us about yourself and how you became a writer.

I always say I became a writer because I was bored.

I loved reading as a kid, and I used write stories to entertain my friends, but I never considered becoming a writer. I grew up in Detroit, was one of five kids, paid for my own college and therefore graduated many thousands of dollars in debt, and that meant all my focus went into finding a job that was stable and paid well. I spent the next decade climbing the corporate ladder, until my daughter was born, and I realized my complete lack of work/life balance and a partner who traveled more weeks than not was really not conducive to newborns.

So I made the very scary decision to cut our income in half and stay home with her!

I loved being able to spend so much time with her, but 6 month-olds are not very good conversationalists, and my brain clearly needed something to do. So I wrote a book.

It was terrible. Despite reading plenty of books, my brain didn’t seem to absorb even basic things like how to punctuate dialogue. But I fell in love with writing. It made me think, it became a way to put my emotions on the page, and I could do it in the wee hours of the night when my house was silent.

There were several periods where I had to walk away from it (like when the second child came along) but I always found myself going back. But it wasn’t until about four years ago that I actually got serious about trying to pursue publication.

It was definitely not a straight road, but I’m not sure I’d have gotten here any other way!

2. I think many of us have had those times when we didn't have time to write. Where did you get the idea for Throwaway Girls?

Throwaway Girls started the way most of my ideas do—from a spark. In this case, it was the opening

scene: a girl who finds the body of another girl lying next to a lake. So many crime novels start a dead woman or girl, but far too often, she’s just a plot device to spur the detective to going after the bad guy. But in this case, she’s found by someone who cares, and who can see herself in the victim in a lot of ways.

From there, this voice popped into my head that I couldn’t get rid of, and the story unraveled from there!

3. I’m imagining that you have to really plot out a thriller. And you planted a lot of clues in yours but kept the mystery going all the way to the end. How did you plot your story out and what tips do you have for the rest of us?

Ha! I am not a plotter! I like to call myself a capri-pantser. For me, that means when I start writing a book, I know the main character, the basic conflict, a few plot points along the way, and the end (which helps me know what I’m writing toward.) But the vast majority of the book is still a mystery to me at that point.

If that’s not strange enough, around the 50% mark, I start plotting a scene-by-scene outline, pulling the threads I’ve started at the beginning through to the end, and setting up the climax and resolution.

I always say my brain withholds things from me while drafting, because I’ve lost track of the times I’ve included something in the beginning without quite knowing why, but that ends up being critical to the main conflict.

Suffice it to say, I don’t think you need to be a plotter in order to write a mystery—or any other genre for that matter! But I’m always amazed by the skill it takes to plot an entire book!
As for tips, I can’t point you in the direction of beat sheets or 3-act structure outlines, but there are some “rules” I follow for every book I write.

I think knowing how your book ends is one of the most important aspects, especially for a mystery/thriller. It’s really hard to include clues for something you don’t know exists. And for every action your main character takes, you should have an understanding of what the villain is doing in the background. That’s very hard to do if you don’t know who they are!

I also think it’s important to tie the main conflict to your main character. The conflict should be something that forces them to confront a fear or misbelief—something that directly influences their character arc. You want for your reader to be invested in all those plot threads you’re weaving.

Speaking of plot threads, it’s important to pull them all through. If you plant a seed in the beginning, you want it to bloom by the end of the book. Too many dangling threads makes a book feel unfinished and unsatisfying.

I also plan for misdirection. Part of writing anything is getting readers to believe in the story you’re telling, and you can use that skill to your advantage. Plan for your main character to get things wrong, but make it convincing. Give your characters and your readers concrete reasons for coming to the wrong conclusions!

Don’t forget the subplots! They make for a more layered, richer story!

4. I like how you plot. You tackle some difficult issues in your story like forgotten girls that no one cares about and Caroline’s secret relationship with her girlfriend. Share how you approached these issues in developing your story to avoid it sounding preachy, which you did a good job of avoiding.

Ah thanks! That’s always a big worry when dealing with difficult topics. Any book that even borders on an “issue book” always feels extra challenging, because you want to do it justice, but still write an enjoyable story. It’s a very delicate balance.

My approach was just to be as real and honest as possible. And I think it certainly helps if there are personal experiences you can draw from. This book was intensely personal to me for a number of reasons, and I think that made several elements feel more authentic, but much harder to write.

That aside, I firmly believe that the story drives the themes. I don’t write books to teach lessons. Lessons emerge from the story. So I go into the book with a focus on telling the story of these characters to the best of my ability, and my hope is that readers become invested in their lives, and maybe that opens their eyes to different points of view, or gives a voice to their own experiences.

5. You were a Pitch Wars mentee and mentor. How did being a mentee help you with this story and your writing in general? At what stage of a manuscript should a writer consider submitting as a mentee?

Yes! I was a mentee in 2017, and a mentor every year after, including this year! I love Pitch Wars so much and I’m honored to be part of such an amazing program that’s made such a huge difference in the careers of so many writers.

Throwaway Girls was actually my Pitch Wars novel, and it connected me to my mentors, Sonia Hartl and Annette Christie, who are both amazing writers whose books you should definitely buy! They helped me zero in on who Caroline was and really bring the heart of the story forward. And I can’t understate the value of having someone else truly love and understand your book. Their support and guidance gave me so much confidence in my story, especially since it was not only the first mystery/thriller I’d ever written, but the first young adult book as well!
As for when you should submit as a mentee, you want a completed manuscript that’s been polished to the best of your ability.

We’re not looking for perfection! A perfect manuscript doesn’t need a mentor!

But competition in Pitch Wars is serious. There are thousands of applicants and each mentor can only pick one, and there is so much talent out there. That means it’s in any applicant’s best interest to get their manuscript in the best shape it can be.

I’d never disqualify anyone for a typo, but if I find several in your first few paragraphs, I’m going to question how much time you’ve invested, and how much time you’re willing to invest in the future.

Workshop queries and first chapters with other hopefuls—you can find them on the Pitch Wars # and the forums. Then, while you’re waiting for the submission window to open, apply as much as you’ve learned to the rest of your manuscript.

I tend to shy away from “rules” because there is always an exception, but ideally, you’d have a manuscript you’ve had time to write, send to betas, and revise based on their feedback. Are betas absolutely necessary? Nope. But they can’t hurt, and anything that can help improve your manuscript (and therefore, your odds!) is worth doing!
As for queries—write the best one you can. They’re tough! And it’s a completely different skill than book writing. But queries are pretty easy to fix, and even a terrible query wouldn’t stop me from picking a book I really loved.

The least of your worries? The synopsis. Again, do your best. Hit all the major plot points. Streamline it. Aim for clarity above all else. Have someone read it who has never read your book and make sure they’re not totally lost. But a synopsis will not make or break your submission.

6. Your agent is Sarah Davies. How did she become your agent and what was your road to publication like?

Sarah is an incredible agent and I am so lucky to have her in my corner! My road to publication was not a quick one. I actually started out writing adult SFF. I wrote and queried two manuscripts, but sent them out to fewer than 40 agents. I got tons of requests, but was perpetually stuck in the “I love your writing, but…” realms of rejections. Then the idea for Throwaway Girls took hold.

Once I’d finished and revised it, I sent it to about ten agents, just to see what kind of interest I’d get. I’d never written a mystery/thriller before, or YA, and I had no idea whether this book would even be something agents would want!

Sarah requested the full, as did most of the agents I queried. I opted not to send more, because the submission period for Pitch Wars was coming up, and I’d planned to enter.

I eternally glad I did, because I got chosen for Pitch Wars! It was an amazing experience and introduced me to some of my best writing friends. Throwaway Girls did very well in the showcase (my mentors tell me I got the second highest number of requests but I’ve never actually confirmed that) and I went on to receive a number of offers of representation, including one from Sarah.

I was blown away—and completely unprepared—for the level of interest, and that two week decision period remains one of the most stressful/wonderful times of my career.

But I loved Sarah’s experience with the industry, her overwhelming knowledge, her approach to editing, and how I immediately knew that she’d be a tireless advocate for me and my books.

I signed with Sarah in 2018 and we’ve gone on to sell three books together, and hopefully many more to come, so I think I made the right choice!

7. How are you promoting your book given the pandemic? What advice do you have for other authors whose books will be published before life goes back to “normal?”

The elusive “normal”.  Truthfully, I’m not sure “normal” will ever look the same, which makes some things much harder, including book promo!

The truth is, as authors, there isn’t much we can do to “move the needle” on book sales, even without a pandemic. But we can still do preorder campaigns, talks with other authors on Instagram, posting about our books online, or virtual launches.

I’ve been lucky enough to be part of the fabulous Class of 2K20 books (https://classof2k20books.com/) which is made up of 20 Middle Grade and Young Adult novels debuting in 2020. We’ve been able to advertise through Book Riot, Storygram Tours, and School Library Journal, as well as marketing our books through our website, blog, and twitter and insta chats.

Debut is really stressful for a lot of authors though, so I think it’s important to point out that all those things are optional, and no one should feel pressured.

 8. What have you done to build your social network platform since you signed your publishing contract? How do you advise other writers to build theirs?

I think the best way to build a following is to just have genuine interaction with people. People figure out pretty quickly if you’re just attempting to use them to build your followers.

Getting involved in the writing community is a great way to build your platform and make new connections! Participating in contests or twitter chats can introduce you to new people and help show commonalities you may not have otherwise known!

 9. Your next book, Out of the Fire, will be published in the Fall 2021 by Scholastic. Has it been different writing your second book with a deadline to get it completed? How has it been working with two publishers?

I am so incredibly excited about OUT OF THE FIRE and can’t wait to introduce everyone to this fabulous group of girls! I actually just sent my latest revision to my editor, and I’m thrilled with how the book has turned out so far. But I didn’t actually write it on a deadline.

I was able to write Out Of The Fire while in the midst of finishing up final edits for Throwaway Girls, and I couldn’t wait to get it out on sub, which happened earlier this year. We had our first offer within the first week. The final deal with Scholastic is for two books, so I am in the process of writing under a deadline now.

I’m not quite panicking yet because I have some time, but drafting an entire book in a few months while having two young children remote schooling is honestly not something I’m looking forward to!

Working with two publishers hasn’t been an issue at all, mostly because all of the editorial work for Throwaway Girls was basically done prior to starting on edits for Out Of The Fire. But OOTF revisions have been so amazingly painless—so many thanks to my amazing editor—that I don’t think it would’ve been a problem even if I had to do them simultaneously!

 Thanks for sharing all your advice, Andrea. You can find Andrea at:


Giveaway Details

Andrea has generously offered an ARC of Throwaway Girls for a giveaway. To enter, all you need to do is be a follower of my blog (via the follower gadget, email, or bloglovin’ on the right sidebar) and leave a comment by September 19th. If your e-mail is not on your Google Profile, you must leave it in the comments to enter the contest. Please be sure I have your email address.

If you mention this contest on Twitter, Facebook, or your blog and/or follow me on Twitter, mention this in the comments and I'll give you an extra entry for each. You must be 13 years old or older to enter. This giveaway is U.S.

Upcoming Interviews and Giveaways

Monday, September 7th I have an agent spotlight interview with Carlisle Weber and a query critique giveaway

Monday, September 14th I have an interview with debut author Rebecca Coffindaffer and a giveaway of her YA space opera Crownchasers

Wednesday, September 16th I have an agent spotlight interview with Erin Casey and a query critique giveaway

Monday, September 21st I have an interview with debut author Laura Stegman and a giveaway of her MG fantasy Summer of Luck

Monday, September 28th I have an agent spotlight interview with Lauren Bieker and a query critique giveaway

Wednesday, October 7th I have an interview with Jennifer Nielsen and a giveaway of The Captive Kingdom

Hope to see you on Monday!


nashvillecats2 said...

A great post Natalie, wonderful reviews and interview.
Made wonderful, interesting reading.


Deniz Bevan said...

Wow, thanks for a great post! I especially love hearing about how other authors have found their agents, as I'm still on that journey...

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

The prep school mystery sounds like a good one! That's cool that it was a Pitch Wars novel.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's great the author you nominated won the award.
Thanks for co-hosting today!

Liza said...

Love the premise of Throw Away Girls. Thank you for the interview and all your wonderful information, Natalie. Thanks for being and IWSG co-host. Hope you are doing well.

Jemi Fraser said...

What a great blurb for Throwaway Girls!! Sounds awesome!
Great choice for beta partner too!

Pat Garcia said...

Reading the blurb got my interest and makes me want to read the book.
Thank you also for co-hosting today. All the best.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

Toi Thomas said...

Thanks for co-hosting this month. I haven't read The False Prince but I have a copy and hope to get to it soon. That's cool the author won the prize you nominated her for. Great interview today. Throwaway Girls sounds intense.

Tamara Narayan said...

Throwaway Girls sounds like a great read and an important topic. What a strong (and sad) title!


Nancy Gideon said...

All sorts of good stuff in today's post, Natalie. Thanks for co-helming. I've got a couple of new books to one click.

Jennifer Hawes said...

Great post! I'm going to have to check out the Traitor's Game series. I think fast-paced novels that get to the point are what really makes them sell!

Patsy said...

I find it's easier to plot when I've done some of the writing and get to know the character's, so Andrea's method doesn't seem all that strange to me.

Astrid said...

I think I'd love to read Throwaway Girls. It sounds lika an awesome book. Thanks for the great post.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Andrea is probably really grateful she participated in Pitch Wars.

That's wonderful you get to feature your favorite author next month.

Jennifer Lane said...

How exciting that your fantasy beta partner will visit your blog soon, Natalie!

cleemckenzie said...

Thanks for co0hosting today and doing such a bang up job, Natalie! So much here to enjoy. Great to meet Andrea and read about her as a successful writer.

Chrys Fey said...

Eva Evergreen, Semi-Magical Witch looks like so much fun!

I'll have to check out The Traitor's Game.

Thanks for co-hosting!

Loni Townsend said...

I haven't heard of Jennifer Nielsen, but she sounds like a great pick and someone I should check out.

Thanks for co-hosting!

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

Love how you became a writer. Great title for your book. Makes me want to know what it's about. Congratulations.

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

You always have so much on every post--whew! I'm panting by the time I finish. I like this #IWSG question because no one so fasr has had the same answer. I thought there might be a "Jesus" or "Shakespeare" but everyone took it more seriously than my instinct dictated. I like your selection.

Lynn La Vita said...

Getting to interview Jennifer Nielsen when she is your pick for beta partner, plus nominating her for the Cybils award and she won! Incredible.

emaginette said...

I had heard of Jennifer, so I looked a few of her books up. I definitely will need to read her.

Anna from elements of emaginette

Rachna Chhabria said...

Hi Natalie, Andrea Contos's thriller Throwaway Girls sounds wonderful.
How have you been Natalie?

Sherry Ellis said...

The Eva Evergreen book looks cute!
So awesome that you know Jennifer Nielsen and that she won an award you nominated her for! I look forward to her interview in October.

Anonymous said...

Eva Evergreen sounds like a charming (pun intended!) book. What an interesting premise - we don't want her to lose her magic forever. And Throwaway Girls is right up my alley. I love a good thriller. Great interview.

Tyrean Martinson said...

Natalie - I love the reasons you chose Jennifer Nielsen, and I have to say, I love her writing, too! I'm looking forward to her interview in October.
Great interview, too!

Suzanne Furness said...

I'll have to check out Jennifer Nielson's books. Thanks for co-hosting this month, Natalie.

Carol Kilgore said...

A witch book and Halloween's approaching - sounds like a fun read!

Sandra Cox said...

Many congrats to Julie. What a cute cover. The book sounds like a fun read.
THROWAWAY GIRLS sounds intriguing. Also a good cover:) I have no doubts it's going to do well.
Great post, Natalie.

diedre Knight said...

How exciting to be able to interview your choice for this month's question! You are an outstanding interviewer ; -)
"Throwaway Girls" sounds like a 'must read' to me.
Thanks for co-hosting!

Danielle H. said...

Thank you for the interview and chance to win a copy of this much anticipated thriller. Another author from Michigan, yay! I shared on tumblr: https://yesreaderwriterpoetmusician.tumblr.com/post/628176778525032449/debut-author-interview-andrea-contos-and

Olga Godim said...

Andrea's book sounds fascinating. Thanks for the great interview.

Donna Hanton said...

Great to read this interview. The book sounds great, and it's always interesting and enlightening to see other writer's process and hear about their journeys to publication.

Gwen Gardner said...

Natalie, you make me want to start reading MG--I love these kinds of book recommendations!

Andrea, I love the story of your journey and the premise of your book. The best of luck on your new release!

Liz A. said...

Interesting way to plot. I find it fascinating how different people write. We all do it differently, but it all works out in the end.

Samantha Bryant said...

I love that answer: I became a writer because I was bored. Boredom is an important and underrated part of the creative process--we make amazing things to escape it! @samanthabwriter from
Balancing Act

Jenni said...

I love that you pick Jennifer Nielson. I really enjoyed the False Prince series too, and I didn't know she had a new one coming out. Looking forward to your interview with her next month!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Jennifer Nielsen is a great choice!

Throwaway Girls sounds great.

Fundy Blue said...

Throwaway Girls sounds really good ~ Congratulations and good luck Andrea! Congratulations and good luck to you too, Julie. Eva's story sounds like fun Natalie, you are amazing as always! Your interviews are excellent.

J Lenni Dorner said...

Great interview. Sounds like helping others really helped this author out. Go karma!
Excellent answer to the IWSG question.

Denise Covey said...

As always, great showcase. Like the sound of Jennifer. Writing is not so much a solitary pursuit.

Tonja Drecker said...

I shouldn't have read your post today. You just gave me 2 books and a series that I'm going to put on my TBR-list. So many good reads!!!

Sonia Dogra said...

Thank you for a wonderful interview and thank you for co-hosting.

J.Q. Rose said...

Always an informative, jam-packed blog post. I'm going to check out Jennifer Nielsen for my granddaughter. Thanks.
Thanks for co hosting!
JQ Rose

Debra Branigan said...

I thoroughly enjoyed the interview. Thanks for sharing,and I think the book sounds like a very good read. I follow on twitter where I shared the page (https://twitter.com/BraniganDebra/status/1301630826371833857?s=20). dbranigan27 (at)gmail (dot)com.

Pat Hatt said...

Sounds like the perfect pick indeed.

Writing sure can cure the boredom.

Angela Brown said...

Congrats to Julie Abe on publishing Eva Evergreen. Wishing the very best!

And thank you Natalie and Andrea for the great interview. I appreciate the advice regarding Pitch Wars as I'm in the throes of considering submitting for it.

Thank you for sharing about Jennifer Nielsen. I'll have to check out her work!

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

Sounds like I might have to check out Jennifer Nielsen!

mshatch said...

Throwaway Girls sounds awesome! I also appreciate Andrea's pantser/plotter style as I do something very similar :)

Sarah Marriott said...

That book sounds awesome - and perfect for the season! Thank you for the great interview.

Arlee Bird said...

And another beta choice of whom I never heard. Nice person is probably a good thing I'd say.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out

Rosi said...

The Eva Evergreen book looks awfully cute. Throwaway Girls sounds like a terrific mystery. Thanks for a very rich and interesting post.

Victoria Marie Lees said...

Andrea's book Throwaway Girls does in fact sound intriguing. I agree with Andrea. Plotter or pantster, a writer needs to know how the story will end, regardless of genre. And making notes to pull "the threads [you’ve] started at the beginning through to the end" is absolutely necessary for good writing. Thanks for sharing this interview with your followers, Natalie.

Liesbet said...

Fantastic interview, Natalie and Andrea. Throwaway Girls sounds like a fascinating an interesting book touching on different, current themes. You “know” so many talented writers, Natalie! It will be wonderful to have your “perfect beta partner”, Jennifer Nielsen, visit you here on your blog. Incredible! :-) Thank you for co-hosting this month.

tetewa said...

Enjoyed the post and interview, sounds like a good read!

LeAnn Harbert said...

This sounds like a great book for my granddaughter to read. momlh@hotmail.com

polly said...

Looks like a great book!

Anonymous said...

I've never heard the term "capri-plotter" before, haha--just plantser, which is what I am. Thank you for the giveaway!

Juneta key said...

Great interview. junetakey.com

Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

Eva Evergreen sounds awesome! I've added it to my TBR :-)

Lidy said...

Thanks for co-hosting this month! When I started reading the blurb for Eva Evergreen I immediately thought of Kiki's Delivery Service.