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  • Agent Spotlights & Interviews have been updated through the letter "K" as of 3/28/2024 and many have been reviewed by the agents. Look for more information as I find the time to update more agent spotlights.

Interview with Me at Dark Angel

Hey all -

I've been super busy and will be swamped with school work all weekend, but I wanted to share an interview I did for Sherry at Dark Angel's Blog.

Please check it out. I'll be stopping by for comments and questions, so if you have any feel free to ask there!

Have a great weekend!


Katharina Gerlach said...

It's a great interview. First, I was surprised to find that you're an intern for an agent, but then I thought it fits you. Good luck. I think you'd make a splendid agent and if I don't have one by the time you become agent, I'll definitely query you. ;-)

Kate Evangelista said...

I've read it. Great interview. And, great tips. Thanks!

Beth said...

What a great interview, Casey. I especially appreciated your comments about having to love something before you take it on. I have a finished manuscript that has been turned down a few times. I think it's missing that thing you describe -- the thing that makes the reader fall in love with it. Thanks for all the tips.

storyqueen said...

I loved the interview!

Very interesting. (How lame am I that I didn't know you were interning...I mean, I knew you read for an agency...I guess that's what interning means, huh? Doh!)


Casey McCormick said...

Cat: Ha! It'd be a looong time before I became an agent, if I ever became one. There's a ton I don't know and I'd need a lot more experience.

Thanks so much Kate!

Glad you found something helpful in there, Beth. It's hard to pull off the right combination of things that make a great novel, and then to find an agent who loves it too. Keep at it!

Shelley, thanks! I consider it interning but "reader" is the best description for what I do.

Ann Marie Wraight said...

Wonderful interview Casey!

Sorry that you feel so swamped - I've been like that myself recently.

Try to relax at least a little!

middle grade ninja said...

What a nice interview. I love reading about your frustrations. Don't get me wrong. It sucks for you, but it helps me put my own in perspective knowing I'm not alone. I'll have to check out The First Five Pages: A Writer’s Guide to Staying Out of the Rejection Pile by Noah Lukeman. Thanks for the tip!

Buffy Andrews said...

Super interview Casey. Hang in there with school and everything else in your crazy busy life.

Lisa Nowak said...

I can so empathize with you being busy. I hope you can fit it all in without too much stress. Great interview. :)

Casey McCormick said...

Hi Ann Marie! I think this week will be better, calmer. We'll see! I hope things settle down for you too.

Thanks Robert! I'm glad you can commiserate with me. The First Five Pages is an AWESOME book. Do check it out.

Thanks Buffy and Lisa!!

Erin Edwards said...

Great interview! I think it's perfect that you are interning for an agent - you certainly are good at amassing and (the more difficult process analyzing information, which I think are important qualities in an agent.

I have been compiling an agent list for years and am about to start querying. I used your profiles to round out my list and fill in information I hadn't come across. Thank you so much!

P.S. Since you just found out about Verla Kay's boards recently, you do know about QueryTracker, don't you? It is incredible.

Casey McCormick said...

Thanks so much Erin!! I do know about QueryTracker and link it to most of the agent profiles. It's a fabulous resource!

Best of luck to you as you start querying!!

Erin Edwards said...

Hah! I see the QueryTracker link now in the profiles. Don't know how I missed that. :)