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  • Agent Spotlights & Interviews have been updated through the letter "K" as of 3/28/2024 and many have been reviewed by the agents. Look for more information as I find the time to update more agent spotlights.

Q&A with Steven Malk of Writers House

Hey everyone!

I have an exciting opportunity for you. Super agent Steven Malk of Writers House has graciously agreed to do a Q&A with you, Literary Rambles's blog readers!

You'll be e-mailing me your questions but please read the following details before you do.

I'll take questions for approximately 24 hours or until we're entirely too flooded. Steve is going to answer as many as possible but won't be answering all of them, especially since there are bound to be repeats and similarities.

Be original! However, to increase the likelihood of your question being answered, please refrain from asking situation-specific questions. He'd prefer not to receive these, and the best questions will be those that benefit everyone. I also ask that you limit yourself to one question per person, two at the most. When you send your question, please leave the name or screename you'd like your question posted under when the Q&A goes up.

I'll put up a post as soon as we're closed to new questions, and the Q&A will be posted later in the week after Steve has had time to answer.

For information on Steven Malk and what he's looking for, please check out his Spotlight.

Ready? Go! E-mail me your questions at agentspotlight(at)gmail(dot)com. Feel free to ask clarification questions in the comments.

UPDATE! We're all full-up on questions. Thanks everyone!!!!! The Q&A should be posted later this week or early next week.


Pam Harris said...

How cool is this?! My question would be an obvious one: what kind of manuscripts are at the top of his wish list currently?

Pam Harris

Janet Johnson said...

Way cool! Mine is more of a curious kind of question. What do you read when you aren't working? Or is that ever?

Tahereh said...

wow this is fabulous, casey! what an amazing opportunity!!!

Casey McCormick said...

Pam and Janet, please e-mail your questions.

Thanks Tahereh!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Thanks for doing this Casey.

Shannon Messenger said...

This is so cool of you to organize this. *tries to brainstorm a question* *comes up blank*

I'll email you after I've had some caffeine. :)

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Casey, that is way cool. You really are the best. All the info overload. Yay!!

Katharina Gerlach said...

Thanks Casey. This is just what I needed. You're wonderful.

Ann Marie Wraight said...

How did you manage to pull this off?!

This is fantastic!


Christina Farley said...

Wow! So exciting. Steven chatted at a SCBWI workshop on career advice and it was fabulous.

Ruth Donnelly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ruth Donnelly said...

I emailed you my question. What a great opportunity to get an agent's perspective!

Matthew MacNish said...

This is amazing Casey, how do you pull this stuff off?

Elizabeth Lynd said...

Thanks for taking questions!

So, a lot of yet-unpublished writers have a manuscript or two that's "under the bed," and some of those really need to stay there. Others, though, might be pretty good, just not good enough (yet). When an agent takes on a new client based on the current project, how likely is it that s/he looks at those older manuscripts and reps them as well? And what kind of help (varies from agent to agent, obviously) should a writer expect for these? Also, will the agent perhaps shop them with the new manuscript for a two- or three-book deal? And how common is all this--or is it more likely the old manuscripts pull a permanent Rumplestiltskin?

Kelly Polark said...

I can't wait to see the Q&A. I just thought of a good question, but it is full so I hope there is a similar one. Either way, this will be so helpful. Thanks, Casey!