Tip Tuesday features writers' tips on craft, research, querying,
blogging, marketing, inspiration, and more. If you'd like to send in a
tip, please e-mail me at agentspotlight(at)gmail(dot)com.

Today's tip was sent in by
Will Overby, author of the middle grade novel
The Movie House Mystery. Will is giving away a paperback copy to one lucky commenter. Enter by Nov 4th for a chance to win. US only. You can also find
The Movie House Mystery on
Goodreads and
Amazon. Enjoy!
My tip is a simple one. When writing I usually use the Courier New font for all my drafts. I started out writing on a typewriter, so that font just seems old-school and comfortable for me. However, when I started formatting my last book, I changed the font to Times New Roman. I was surprised at how many typos I suddenly became aware of when reading in a different font. If you always use a certain font, try mixing it up when proofreading. A different font will sometimes emphasize punctuation and other elements you normally gloss over when reading your own words.
-Will Overby
I have never thought to utilise fonts in this way!! I shall give it a try! Thanks for the tip Will! And good luck to all with the giveaway! Take care
I'm just about to do a read-through and polish - thanks for the tip!
Interesting tip. I wouldn't have thought to do that. Thanks for the tip.
Oh, I've heard of that. Not just for typos and surface edits, but words great for simply revising, too. When you SEE the text differently, you'll read it differently and more things will pop out at you. You can even change the font SIZE and COLOR. Works wonders!
Apparently, I'm typing in a different font than what I'm used to. I meant to say, "...but WORKS great..."
This is very interesting. I would never have thought of doing something like changing the font. Hey, I'm all for anything that might make read-throughs easier!
Wow, that is a GREAT suggestion. I used to write my books in a different font, but was told to only use Times... For a draft it really doesn't matter...
What an interesting tip! I never thought of that, but it totally makes sense! Thanks!
Great idea, especially for those of us adverse to printing out reams of paper to proof :) I also play with the reading display format in word which looks more like a book.
Cool tip. That's totally worth a try. :) And the comments have been interesting too. Thanks!
Oh wow! I'm going to have my students try that!!!!!
I live in Canada, so not relevant to the giveaway. Too bad. But I'll have a look out for this book. Looks great! I checked out the author's website and like his backstory. Hard work and dedication do lead to great things :)
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