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Wednesday's Word Count

Things have been pretty busy this week, and they're about to get crazier for the next two to three. What does that mean? If I start slacking off on the blog, and in my word count, don't be too hard me. ; )

Current word count:

Goal last week:


Words 'til finish: 45,971/1021 words a day until October 31st.

Goal this week: 4,000

Excuses / comments: I only did about half of what I needed to in order to stay on track, but I'm still making progress so it's all good. I'd have to do over 7k a week to stay on track from here, and I just don't see that happening, but I'll push on and try to get to at least 4k this next week. Things are hitting the proverbial fan for my MC in my WIP right now, so I'm hoping that will drive a lot of words out of me in the next few days.

Hm, what else? I can't beleive we're already halfway through September! How are your goals coming along? Any news you'd like to share? I know a few of you about to start subbing - good luck!

P.S. If you missed my interview on Beth's blog on Monday, check it out (hope I don't read like a dweeb)! Beth's been so nice to feature me as her Blog of the Month. Thanks again, Beth!


Sherry Dale Rogers said...

Congrats on the interview.
Girl, I know what you mean about things going crazy. I recently went back to work full time, have three kids and nursing school is starting soon...Ahhhh, Calgon take me away.

But my WIPs are on hold right now as I am gearing up for my short horror story I am submiting to Writer Digest, plus I have been submitting poems other places. I even got this cool new place for my poetry...I sure could use your vote www.sherrydale.poetrycraze.com/

Check out todays post on my blog for a flash fiction in Horror.


Tabitha said...

Forward progress is good, even if it's not as much as you'd like. Writing isn't easy, and doesn't always cooperate. :) So yay for progress!!

My brain is still kind of mushy from my writerly excitement, so I've not been getting much done. I got maybe a few pages done last week, and have been trying this week, but my brain just isn't cooperating. :) It will eventually settle down, though, and I'll get back on track. :)

Heather Kelly said...

I had a great day of writing yesterday-- all three of my kids were in school, and I had three hours to myself. It was great.

But today, I had a backlash of horrible doubts.

And, I'm exhausted by 1 pm every day--the trials of getting all kids dressed and off to school with thier instruments and lunches and snacks--oh, my.

But, I have faith that if I can hang in here, I can get into the school routine rhythm and get more writing done.

Tomorrow I have another three hours-- YAY!

Mike Winchell said...

Well, my goal is really out of my hands. I have two full submissions out with agents and am playing the waiting game. THE goal is to have one or both of them contact me about representation. That's out of my hands though. So...I guess MY goal is to focus on anything but the incredibly difficult wait. I'm a teacher, so it helps that my crazy students keep my mind away from my book.

storyqueen said...

Goals schmoals.....I love September, but it's never a great month for making tons of progress.

Good Luck!


Amy said...

Popped over from Janet Reid's site. Love your blog! We have some things in common--moms to two kids, writers since single digits, coffee lovers. Will definitely come back to see you!

Samantha Clark said...

Life happens, Casey, but the important thing is you're still writing. So, congratulations on your 14K words so far. That's awesome.

Also, you're right. When all hell breaks loose in the plot, fingers do tend to fly on the keyboard, so good luck with that.

As for me, I've been zooming through my WIP and am a couple of chapters away from the end, but this week, I've been having a tough time dragging myself out of bed early to write. Hopefully, I'll get back on track starting tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

Jon Mitchell said...

Hi, Casey, and good evening from Yokohama,
I just stumbled upon your blog a couple of hours ago and I'm already a big fan. Great agent profiles and your child-job juggling is truly an inspiration. Love the rewrite word-countbar, too...
Consider me hooked,

Casey Something said...

Geez, Sherry. You do sound busy! Get in whatever writing time you can. It so important for us to get a little "me time" when things get so busy. I voted for you poem. Good luck!

Your brain is expected to be mushy still, Tabitha! Give yourself a break and enjoy the excitement.

Heather, I hear you on the doubts. Those tend to follow my good writing days as well. Go figure. Hang in there. I'm sure you'll get a routine going soon.

Hi Mr. Winch! I hope you've heard back (or will soon) from those two agents. Otherwise, focus on the goals you can control and keep your chin up. Best!

How's school getting along, Shelley? Have you started your revision? I hope you can get a lot done next month!

Hi Amy! Is so nice to find other mom- and coffee-lover writers. I hope to see you around more often!

You're so close, Samantha! It's been so fun watching your numbers the last few months. Good on you for meeting your goal! I'm betting you'll be done by the end of next week.

Hi Jon! I'm glad you enjoyed your look around. Thanks so much, and do come back!