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Wednesday's Word Count

Wednesday you come again, seeking the count of my words...

Current word count:

Goal last week:


Words 'til finish: 20,001/953 words a day until Dec 31th.

Goal this week: 6,671.

Comments: I did some tweaking and revising on what I wrote for NaNo earlier in the week, and then had the strong desire to start something new. So I did. I realize I'm practically famous for this by now, but it just had to be done. Inspiration struck and I ran with it. So... I'm changing projects for the time being, but keeping my goal of 25k for December, and so far it's going great. I haven't had a story this eager to spill out of me for awhile, so I'm pretty excited!

How is everyone else doing? Update me on your goals and achievements in the comments. I love following along with your progress!


Buffy Andrews said...

Good luck Casey with your newest WIP. Kick some ass. If you want some inspiration, check out the videos on my blog. Definitely worth four minutes. Keep the faith, Buffy

Heather Kelly said...

Casey. Yay for Wednesday's Word Count. I have floundered for a few weeks, but I'm back now. Chalk it up to NaNo Burn Out (although I didn't feel that it really was), or Christmas Prep, or whatever...

My word count goal for next week is 10,000 on one work and 5,000 on the other.

And kudos to you for following the muse.

PJ Hoover said...

Great progress, Casey! WTG!

Casey Something said...

Thanks Buffy! I'll definitely check out the videos.

I was feeling a bit burned by NaNo this past week, Heather, and I only wrote half the amount. Glad you're back to it! Great goals!

Thanks PJ! Hope you're making great progress as well!

Scott said...

I started a new project last week, that I actually outlined. I never outline. Okay, it's a loose outline, but still . . . I'm seven chapters into the rough draft of the new project. I have other projects that need editing/revising, oh, and there's this other idea that popped into my head last night . . . must bake cookies, make fudge, and get all festive . . . arrrghh!

Congrats on the progress.


Casey Something said...

Thanks, Scott! I'm glad I'm not the only one going in seven directions. I'll return to these others eventually, but for right now, the new idea needs exploration.

Congrats on the outline! I don't usually outline either. Hope it works out for you very well.

As for cookies... I've just about finished off the batch I made two days ago. Heh. I probably SHOULDN'T make more!

Stephanie J said...

Woowoo! Nice job! Good luck with your goals. I'm sure you'll meet them. :)

I've been on a month-long (at least) hiatus from everything blogging and writing. I haven't done a thing. I think I got swamped at work, overwhelmed with things, and turned a bit of my prioritization to getting on track with my personal wellness. However, I'm declaring this Day 1 of getting back in the saddle.

Current word count: unknown

New goal: 5,000 words

kathrynjankowski said...

Congrats on your progress, Casey. Hope your excitement carries you through the month.

I'm still working on revisions and wondering how dark I want to go with my fantasy.

Alyssa Kirk said...

Wow, you're doing great. So organized and diligent in keeping up with your goals. You're an inspiration!

Keri Mikulski said...

Nice!! Congrats!

I'm on deadline and writing about 5000 + words a day.. I'm hoping to finish 50K by Friday. :)

Lisa Nowak said...

Glad to hear you're plugging away at it. I set myself an unrealistic goal of 2000 words a day, but haven't met that even once. I wrote 6271 words in the past week, and every day I made it past 1000 I felt I'd done okay. This story is not coming out of me very easily. Seem the only time I can get the words to flow is when I take a walk, but for the past three days we've struggled to break 30° which is just a bit too chilly for a western Oregon girl like me!

C. N. Nevets said...

Last week I said my goal was to be between 8K and 10K into my WIP novel and to have a rouch chapter run outline.

As I sit here, I'm at 12K, with a 20-chapter plot-point run in. That's the good news.

The bad news is that about 6K of those words need to be dramatically redone because I uncovered a huge weakness in my writing and have spent a couple days now wrestling with how to correct that. I think I have my correction figured out, at least.

So my wordcount goal for this time next week is probably to be between 10K and 15K with the entire second chapter reworked.

My other goal was to have a story submitted, and I was not able to do that because I got distracted by the brick wall I'd hit. Hopefully I can do that this week.

Anonymous said...

In the wild scramble of NaNo I forgot about WIP Wednesday. Thanks for the reminder. I'm very studiously ignoring any new ideas until I get some of the ones in progress finished. Good luck on following your muse.

Casey Something said...

Welcome back, Stephanie! Get on that saddle and get that 5k done. I beleive if you!

Go as dark as it needs to be Kathryn! Hope your revisions are going well!

Thanks Alyssa! I don't feel like I'm doing great, since I used to write so much more! But for everything I have on my plate, I think I'm doing pretty darn good!

You're a rockstar writer, Keri! Blow those words out of the water. I'll use you as inspiration. 5K a DAY! Woo hoo!

You're doing GREAT, Lisa! I'm happy you're back to writing. I hear you about the cold, it's been hovering around the 40s here in Ca, dropping down to the 20s and 30s at night. That's freezing for me!

Kudos for getting your goals done AND learning something about yourself as a writer, Nevets. That makes for a great week in my book, even if it requires a lot of rewriting!

Good job ignoring new ideas, Jaime. It certainly needs to be done sometimes, in order to focus our priorities. Keep at it!

Thank you for taking part in Wed Words, everyone. I love it!