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Spreading the Awesome + Signed Book Giveaway!


Elana has done it again.  She's organized something way too cool, a sort of "National Hug an Author Day" that we're calling "Spreading the Awesome."  The idea is to promote an author and book you feel deserves 10+ stars.  You know, that book.  The one that's the awesomest of the awesome.  The one you drool over love for its every word. 

I don't think I've made it a secret that I worship WINTERGIRLS by Laurie Halse Anderson.  If I have, feel free to kick me in the comment box because this book is A-MAZING.  I think I did a little jump-squeal when I saw the paperback in Costco yesterday.  COSTCO!  Go, Laurie!

Why is this my 10-star book?

WINTERGIRLS is a literary work of art, an amazing young adult novel that deals with the hard issues of eating disorders and death in a haunting, poetic way.  I feel that Laurie really embraced her talent and took it to the next level in this powerful story. I couldn't be more impressed. 

I've read a lot of young adult novels but I hadn't seen the potential of the written word in YA fiction until I read WINTERGIRLS.  Laurie is a master at "showing" rather than telling and brings a lyrical quality to her fiction that I'd never experienced before.  This book really raises the bar for YA writers everywhere, and it's been a large influence in the way I look at writing.  I recommend it to everyone studying craft and/or craving a mind-blowing read. 

Here's the awesome blurb.

"Dead girl walking," the boys say in the halls.
"Tell us your secret," the girls whisper, one toilet to another.
I am that girl.
I am the space between my thighs, daylight shining through.
I am the bones they want, wired on a porcelain frame.

Lia and Cassie are best friends, wintergirls frozen in matchstick bodies, competitors in a deadly contest to see who can be the skinniest. But what comes after size zero and size double-zero? When Cassie succumbs to the demons within, Lia feels she is being haunted by her friend's restless spirit.
In her most emotionally wrenching, lyrically written book since the multiple-award-winning Speak, Laurie Halse Anderson explores Lia's descent into the powerful vortex of anorexia, and her painful path toward recovery.

Holy moly, right?  Yeah.  BUY this book.  Or, perhaps you'll be the winner of the SIGNED hardcover copy I'm giving away to one lucky commenter.  All I ask is that you leave a comment to enter yourself.  I'll give an extra entry if you spread the word via Twitter, Facebook, blog, etc.  Just make sure to tell me in the comments if you do and leave a link if possible. 

The giveaway will be open until Thursday at 12 PM EST so everyone has a chance to enter.   I'll announce the winner on Friday.  I'm afraid I can't afford to ship internationally, so only enter if you have a US shipping address.

On your way out, definitely stop by Caroline Starr Rose's blog for a chance to win a signed ARC of Jame Richards's THREE RIVERS RISING, and the master-list-of-awesome (lots of books being plugged and given away!).

If you have the time, please tell me about a book that totally blew your mind.  I'm always looking for recommendations!  Thanks for reading and good luck to all who enter!


Caroline Starr Rose said...

Hey Casey,
Glad to see the links are up and running. WINTERGIRLS is brutally painful but amazing. It is the closest first-person POV I've ever read. Remarkable writing.

Matthew MacNish said...

What a great review for what sounds like an A-MAZING book. Thanks for sharing Candace. Please enter me to win a copy.

The language in this one sounds incredible, I can't wait to have a look even if I don't win.

Candyland said...

I've heard of this one, but have yet to read it. Now I guess I'll get my butt to the bookstore...
A book that blew my mind? I've been in love with Amy Reed's Beautiful...

Kelly Polark said...

Casey, good pick. I am halfway through reading this book right now! Very powerful and well written.

Janet Johnson said...

Wow, sounds awesome. Sad. But awesome. Thanks for sharing!

K. M. Walton said...

Haven't read it, Casey, so I'm in for the contest. It does sound like a very good read.

My favorite YA has to be The Absolutely True Story of a Part Time Indian by Sherman Alexie. Funny and heartbreaking and brilliantly written.

Sage Ravenwood said...

Would love a chance to read this book. Sounds heartrending. Thanks for the opportunity! Indigo

Stina said...

Great review! It was a great book. Sad but great.

I'm in Canada so you can exclude me from the contest.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

So, I am SO getting this book. Thanks Casey!! And to all who've participated today!

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic day for books and reading! Thanks for the opportunity to win this book.

Courtney Barr - The Southern Princess said...

OMG! I so want to read this one!

Please enter me. Awesome review and wonderful spotlight!

This is such a blast! ;o)

I cannot wait to check this one out!

Visit My Kingdom Anytime

Rebecca Gomez said...

I loved Speak, so I will probably love this one too.

Heather Kelly said...

Casey--Please do enter me, although I'm a little afraid to read this one. It sounds a bit painful... Although I've heard so much about it, that I should really put my fear aside and dig in. So, yes, I'd love to win the book!!

Tina Laurel Lee said...

I totally agree that Laurie Halse Anderson is brilliance incarnate! And your review wasn't half bad either!! A very passionate sell for this book! and I totally love the line-kick me in the comment box.

Marquita Hockaday said...

I am ALMOST done with Speak and have been wanting to read Wintergirls since I read the first line of Speak. I really, really, really, really want to win this. Did I say really??? I have tweeted, and I will mention this on my blog as well! I hope I win!!!


Unknown said...

I've heard of Wintergirls, but your review has prompted me to add it to my to-read list. I loved Speak and Fever 1793... am looking forward to this one!

Pam Harris said...

Me wanty! I tweeted about it as well:


Rachel Bateman said...

Oh, I want to read Wintergirls SO badly!!

Julie said...

Wow! Great giveaway! I also retweeted your tweet about it.

Lisa Nowak said...

You know, I love Laurie Halse Anderson, and I totally appreciate the brilliance of this book, but I couldn't finish it. It was too bleak. I've had enough dark moments in my own life (though for different reasons) and when I escape into a book, I want it to go to a more hopeful place, not a depressing one. The writing was beautiful, it was just too much for me.

Natalie said...

Wow, that sounds intense, but good.

Natalie Whipple said...

Another on my list—can't resist entering!


Her prose is gorgeous. Everyone sings praise about Speak, but Wintergirls is (imho) in a league of its own.

I don't know how you got yourself a signed copy, but I'm thinking of breaking into your house and stealing it. (Okay, okay, I'm just kidding. Kinda. I mean, don't call the cops or anything. It's not like I know where you live.)


Heather said...

This one sounds great! It's been on my radar for awhile - thanks for sharing! *crosses fingers*

Abby Stevens said...

This is such a great thing Elana's organized. I have never read LHA's books and would love to win one.

I tweeted and added the contest to my sidebar:


Anonymous said...

Oh wow, this book looks amazing! I'm so glad you are doing this contest!

Unknown said...

THE BOOK THIEF blew me away. I loved everything about it and by the end Zusak had me eating every word out of the palm of his hand. He's brilliant.

Sherrie Petersen said...

I've actually avoided this book because it just sounds depressing. It's one that I'd have to save for when I need a good cry. The book I snapped up from Costco and LOVED was Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet. Amazing debut by Jamie Ford.

Tahereh said...

OMG i could not agree with your review MORE. that book blew my freaking mind with its amazingness. i mean WOW.
the writing was just BEAUTIFUL.
it makes you want to cry because it's just so flippin amazing.

i'm not even exaggerating.

fab choice, casey. i'm so not surprised you have impeccable taste!!

Katie said...

Sounds awesome and intense. Definitely put me in the running for this one!

Laura Pauling said...

I loved this book. The writing absolutely blew me away. Def. 10 stars.

Christa said...

This book sounds so awesome! ; )


Thanks for the giveaway.
ambience.of.rain {at} gmail.com

Yat-Yee said...

Before I read Winter girls, I was already a huge fan. But this book just digs so much deeper into my being. It's not just about how she uses language and menageries, it's her getting inside the heads of the characters that really cinched it. Great choice.

Unknown said...

Wow! That does sound haunting! Wow!

Taffy said...

"Wintergirls" was an excellent book! Anderson's writing is amazing and her characters so real I could picture them at my school. And though this book was hard to read, it redeemed itself in the end.
I was blown away by "Speaker For the Dead". Amazing writing. I was not expecting to like this SciFi AT ALL but did!

Rebecca Wells said...

Would love to have this book!

- Rebecca


Unknown said...

Amazing book! Please enter me.

Suzette Saxton said...

LHA is amazing! Next on my TBR list is Twisted, which is written from a male POV - quite masterfully, I understand!

Michelle McLean said...

I still haven't read this one and I sooo need to :) I've got a link to your contest on my blog :)

Amy Holder said...

I REALLY want to read this one. Great choice!!

vvb32 reads said...

excellent giveaway choice. i've been meaning to read this one.
vvb32 at yahoo.com

Nichole Giles said...

I've been wanting to read this book ever since I read "Speak." Anderson is definitely a lyrical, beautiful writer who deals with tough issues.

Sign me up to win!


PS Thanks for the review and for helping to spread the awesome!

Yamile said...

I've heard only wonderful things about this book. Can't wait to read it. Wonderful review!

Judylynn said...

Please enter me in this giveaway.


Martina Boone said...

Great review and once again, Casey, you're showing your generosity. I'm going to go put this up on our site too, and asks people who don't have blogs to give us their suggestions. You rock!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Thanks for the review. I saw Laurie Halse Anderson at a SCBWI conference and she was awesome.

C. Michael Fontes said...

looks like a great book, and a much needed one as well.

Nice blog, I'll be adding this to my "morning reads" for sure ;)

Emily said...

Wintergirls was such a sad book. But, definitely a story that needs to be told.

angie said...

I would love to be entered for a chance to win this book.
Thanks for the giveaway!
bangersis at msn dot com

Tricia J. O'Brien said...

That excerpt you posted was terrifying and perfect. I really do want to read this one, even if it hurts.

Christine Fonseca said...

This was one of my all-time fav books ever! Another life changing one for me and my riting. Great post!

Christina Lee said...

Has soooo been on my list. Oh all of this blog-hopping love is sooo fun!

Leigh Hutchens Burch said...

I just finished (and adored!) SPEAK, so I would love to win this one. ;)

Tweeting it out at http://twitter.com/ambertiddmurphy to up my chances!

Anonymous said...

Sounds perfect. Count me in.


Shannon Messenger said...

I've heard SUCH great things about this book. Thank you for reminding me of my need to read it. If I'm not the lucky winner of the hardcover I will definitely be picking up a copy to read.

Also..new follower. *waves* :)

Riv Re said...

Dude. This book looks incredible...I'd love to win it!

Jonathon Arntson said...

I love the passion with which you wrote about this book. I haven't read any of Laurie's books and I kind of feel ashamed about that. I will for sure have to remedy that.

Unknown said...

This sounds amazing. I am crossing my fingers for this one big-time.

Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

Wow. It's like getting hit with a brick when you come across a book like this. It's obvious this one means a lot to you, and by the looks of it, I can see why. It sounds utterly haunting and beautiful and so very sad and moving. Thanks for the recommendation. I will add it to my now massive TBR pile.

Unknown said...

This book sounds amazing, and the cover art blows me away. Thanks for the recommendation and FABULOUS giveaway!!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

That cover is incredible - and the book sounds incredible, too! Great choice for today, Casey. Thanks for the recommendation! :-)

Larissa said...

Ah! Another one I've wanted to read! Thanks, Casey!

Casey Something said...

Thank you all for commenting and entering the giveaway!

This book definitely isn't for everyone. As others have said it's painful to read and haunting but the writing is mind blowing and the story is stunning and powerful. It's one of those books that kicks the you-know-what out of you. I just love it.

The giveaway will be open until Thursday night so if you're coming by late, there's still plenty of time to enter!

Angela Ackerman said...

I just finished reading this one on the weekend.Very powerful. I was wondering how she would end it in a way that would 'ring true' to girls who suffer from bulimia/cutting/etc and I thought she did an amazing job by making Cassie and her 'encouragement' the enemy. Loved this book!

Elana Johnson said...

Oh yes. This book deserves all ten stars. Maybe 11. It is soooo good. Great review!

~The Book Pixie said...

I would SO love to be entered in this giveaway! I've really been wanting to read this book.

A book that has just blown me away because of it's awesomeness is 'Me, the Missing, and the Dead' by Jenny Valentine. You should really look into it. :D

+1 Facebooked: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/profile.php?id=695450277&v=wall&story_fbid=123991450948845


Beth said...

YA books I loved were I Am The Messenger by Marcus Zusak, Drums Girls and Dangerous Pie by Jordan Sonnenblick, and How I Live Now by Meg Rosoff. All wonderful.
I'm Canadian so I'm not eligible -- but if my name is chosen you could donate the book to your local high school!

Jame said...

Thanks for mentioning 3RR, Casey!


Jeanne Ryan (Serenissima) said...

Wow, is that a gorgeous cover or what!

Michael G-G said...

Casey, your review made me want to run out and get my hands on this novel rightaway. Talk about the power of YOUR written word!

I have mentioned this on Facebook, and on my blog: http://heyearofwritingdangerously.blogspot.com

Jenn Adams said...

Enter me please! :-D

Mandy said...

Please enter me (:
bratdownstairs @yahoo.com

B.J. Anderson said...

yay, enter me! If I don't win, I'm out to buy it. :D

Ann Marie Wraight said...


I like a "mind-blowing read" so I'll certainly be trying this.

I have posted this on FACEBOOK - I know you said that we can't enter internationally - doesn't matter.

Great work Casey!

Christina Farley said...

Sounds like a powerful book.

Margay Leah Justice said...

I've never read any of Laurie's books, but I would like to. This one sounds like a good one to start with.

Liz S said...

The book description gave me the chills! Sounds like an amazing read, so thank you for the recommendation...

Have you read Knife of Never Letting Go? Loved, loved, loved that book.

Aik said...

I'm a new follower. I'd love to read this book! Thanks!

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Casey McCormick said...

All right. The contest is closed! I'm going to list out entries and random generate the winner now!

Beth said...

I don't know if you check old entries for responses, but I had to respond to this one in case you do. At your recommendation I picked up a copy of Wintergirls. I have just put it down, and had to write to thank you for recommending it. Sometimes even writers struggle to find strong enough words, and this is one of those times. What a powerful and beautifully written book. I know I will read it again to study the craft -- the first time through I could barely pause to pay attention because I was so desperate to find out what happened next. This is a challenge to me to take my writing to the next level.

Casey McCormick said...


I'm sooo happy to hear WINTERGIRLS impacted you as much as it did me. It really changed the way I look at writing, the potential of the written word, and my own aspirations. So beautiful! Thank you for coming back to let me know. It means to world that you picked up this book on my recommendation and felt what you did. You've totally made my day!!!