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Tip Tuesday #28

Tip Tuesday is a recurring feature where readers send in tips for fellow writers. If you'd like to share a tip, please do so.

Today, blog reader and friend Lisa Nowak (newly agented!) has a quick tip to share. Please visit her blog on your way out. Enjoy!

I keep a notepad and a light-up pen beside my bed so I don't have to get up or turn on the light when I get those night-time inspirations. I did some research, because many light-up pens are disposable. The pens at the link below have replaceable batteries. You can buy them in many colors, but I like red because it doesn't interfere with your night vision. You have to buy a minimum of 12, but they make nice gifts for your writer friends. :)


I love this idea, Lisa! My youngest has recently started sleeping through the night (thank goodness!) and I'm finally dreaming again. I should really keep a pen and pad by my bed for the wacky dreams and late-night thoughts I've been having. Thanks!


Yvonne Osborne said...

I never knew there was such a thing. Thanks for this tip! It would save me from fumbling around in the dark for my slippers and cozy clothes and hauling my pillow out to the couch and turning on a light to find pencil and paper or wip to fill the margins. And what a great gift idea!


Janet Johnson said...

Great idea. I never would have thought of it. :) And sleeping through the night . . . so envious!

K. M. Walton said...

I am a "middle of the night" thinker too and have post-it notes and journals and pads of paper in my nightstand. No light up pen though. Brilliant.

Abby Annis said...

What an awesome idea! Thanks for sharing! :)

D said...

I totally have to get one! Thanks for the tip!

Elana Johnson said...

Great ideas! I usually just jump up and open a word document. But it hurts my eyes!

Keri Mikulski said...

Love the tips!! Great idea. :)

Rachael said...

I didn't know they had light-up pens either! I usually just use the book light that I keep by my bed.

Jemi Fraser said...

What a great idea! I hope the company is prepared for all of our orders :)

Lisa Nowak said...

Thanks for posting my tip, Casey! BTW,I finally got around to passing along the Silver Lining Award. :)

I'm so glad to see that everyone likes the light pen tip. The truth is, I had to find some way to save my ideas at night, because the old way of hoping I'd remember them in the morning just wasn't cutting it. And lazy me, if I had to turn on the light I just wouldn't bother. :)

Anonymous said...

This is a super idea, especially as a gift for your kids - who wake up in the middle of the night and remember they've forgotten to do that essay... also for a spouse, who's forgotten to do that report which is due tomorrow morning...oops! Thanks for the great idea!
YASOO Heather from Ann Marie. Greece X

Stina said...

Hey, cool idea! I sleep though the night so it's never been a problem for me. Yet.

Dawn Simon said...

I keep a pen and pad by my bed, but a light-up pen? Ooh, what fun! Thanks for the tip--and congrats on the agent! :)