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Vacation + Books

We're heading out to AZ to visit my mom really early tomorrow morning and will be there through the week.  I should have a post up on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at least.  The normal stuff.  Not sure if I'll fit anything else in blog-wise.   

But I will fit some of this in...

Dani NoirMarcelo in the Real World (Schneider Family Book Award. Teen)The Knife of Never Letting Go: Chaos Walking: Book OneUnwind

And if you're looking for a book recommendation, this is my new favorite. 

Hex Hall (Book 1)

What are you reading? What is your latest book recommendation? Any exciting plans for the week? Blog posts you need to plug?

The comment box is all yours!


Ann Marie Wraight said...

CASEY - sigh... I'm going to have to get a 3rd job to pay for all these orders from Amazon. Never mind, a passion is a passion after all...where am I going to get all this dosh from...
Heather, Dena, Lisa...gang...is there anyone out there...oh, oh...I think I need to get myself a social life...or my credit card and have a spending spree.

Karen Strong said...

Have fun on your vacation!

I just finished reading THIS WORLD WE LIVE IN by Susan Beth Pfeffer.

I thought it was a really great book.

Buffy Andrews said...

Have a wonderful vacation. And again, thank you so much for supporting Inkwell.ning.com. The site is becoming a growing, vibrant community. It's awesome to see all of the writers and artists helping each other. Peace be with you and each of your followers, Buffy

Lisa Nowak said...

Oh, I absolutely loved Marcelo in the Real World!

Unknown said...

This is definitely the time of year to visit AZ. Have fun.

What have I just read? Diana Wynne Jones: "Witch's Business". I'm reading Lee Child's "Gone Tomorrow".

Jennifer said...

I really want to get my hands on a copy of Hex Hall. Can't wait to read it. :P

I've got to make a run to the library--I finished everything I got on the last raid. I've been stockpiling the recomendations. Thanks for the additions to the list! :)

Unknown said...

I definitely have to agree with you. I just finished Hex Hall and absolutely loved it. Have a fun week.

kathrynjankowski said...

Enjoy your vacation! Looks like you're getting away at a good time, since they're calling for a week of storms here.
Just finished "The Swan Thieves" by Elizabeth Kostova. Okay, but not great. It's hard to top "The Historian."

Michael G-G said...

Just finished Suzanne LaFleur's LOVE, AUBREY which made me cry countless times. Currently on MAX QUIGLEY, TECHNICALLY NOT A BULLY by James Roy. (I try to alternate weeping with sadness and weeping with laughter.) M.Q. has a couple of funny lines, but not as hysterical as Josh Lieb's I AM A GENIUS... CLASS PRESIDENT.

I'm new to this blogging lark, but am running a contest on my blog for the funniest/wickedest April Fool's prank played. If you've got something, please visit and comment.

Enjoy your vacation, Casey. Your blog is great and on my blog roll.

MG Higgins said...

You have some excellent reading ahead of you! Thanks for the Hex Hall recommendation. I'm going to check it out.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Thanks Casey for the recommendations, and enjoy your time with family.

MH said...

Enjoy your vacation--I'm on one as well :) I've heard amazing things about all the books you mentioned, and just finished Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac by Gabrielle Zevin (incredible) and The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie (also incredible). Can't recommend them enough.

Happy travels!

Terra said...

I am always on the hunt for new books to read and take notes as I read your blog. My most recent purchases are "Anne of Green Gables", yes, a first time read for me!, plus my next Jim Butcher "Proven Guilty", and "The Ladies of Covington Send Their Love". I like to mix it up in my reading.
Have a great vacation.

Melissa Sarno said...

Have a great vacation :-) Marcello and the Real World is so wonderful. I'm about to read Olive Kitteridge

Tahereh said...

ooo LOVE book recs!! i still haven't had a chance to dive into Hex Hall -- but i started the first few pages and i'm already loving the voice! can't wait to finish it!

shameless plug: i'm having a rhyming-query contest on my blog! first prize is $100 amazon gift card! (details at: www.stiryourtea.blogspot.com)

hope you have a fab vacation, bestie!!!
you deserve it!! :D :D


Heather Kelly said...

Hi Ann Marie! (*waving*)

I can't wait to read some of those--Marcelo, Hex Hall and Dani Noir. I'm finishing Cassandra Clare's trilogy. It didn't disappoint! Have a great vacation, Casey!

Stella said...

I recently read Libba Bray's GOING BOVINE and Suzanne LaFleur's LOVE, AUBREY. Bray's book made me laugh out loud and LaFleur's had me in tears several times. both were great.

Sherrie Petersen said...

Marcello in the Real World is SO SO good. I loved that book and it's not even in my preferred realm of fantasy/paranormal.

We're leaving Wednesday afternoon and the first thing I did to prepare was pull out books to bring along :) The best part about vacation is having more time to read!

Unknown said...

I read WICKED LOVELY last week and really enjoyed it. A dark urban fantasy with a definite inspiration from A Midsummer Night's Dream. It's good to see faries done right.

I've also been reading THE GIVER TRILOGY. I'd never read THE GIVER, actually, and am really enjoying book 2 in the series. If you haven't read the other two, I recommend them.

I also read the first in THE GALLAGER GIRLS series recently. A bit fluffy in the action area, but fun all in all, especially if you enjoy teen romance.

As an aside, if you haven't been following my
"Becoming a Slush Pile Hero" series on my blog, you should stop by.