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Wednesday's Word Count

Because I do this at the end of every month, pretty much - OMG next week is JUNE. Can you beleive it?


Round up of those who commented last week:

Elana was going to go over her novel one last time and send it out to two peeps who asked to see it.
Rhonda was brainstorming and working out new ideas.
Sherry was working towards having her MG finished by August.
K.M. Walton gave her opinion on revisions.
Keri gave me some great tips.
Nevets needed to wake up his brain to tackle his fab goals.
Christina was ho-humming : ).
Michelle stopped by and talked revisions with us, too.

My Wednesday report:

Prior Goal: Knock out major revisions.

Accomplished: Purty much.

Goal for new week: Finish the big changes.

Excuses / comments: I'm really happy with my progress, and it's really great seeing it come together the way it is. I'm excited about the potential of the story (Monster though it may be) so it's been fairly easy to stay motivated so far. Can't wait to see where I'm at by next Wednesday!

Wednesday question: As we're moving into June, tell me, have you kept your New Year's resolutions? Or are they long forgotten?

Don't forget to leave your goals in the comments. I want to know what you're up to.

Happy Wednesday!


Rhonda Helms said...

YAY! Good for you...keep at it!

I did my brainstorming and turned in two ideas to my agent to show my editor...fingers crossed! :D

I still have another story I need to iron out the details for. *sigh* this one is much more intricate than what I usually write. LOL

C. N. Nevets said...

Well I did better this week than last. My brain still hasn't fully woken up, but I've been able to grind through it and get some good stuff acomplished.

(X)I wrote at least one project a day. I was able to fet a good draft of a 4800 word short story done. Needs a hefty amount of revising, I think, but the little things are pretty tidy. Made some progress on a few other things.

(x) Rose and I were able bear down over Memorial Day and get a plan of attack down for our collab WIP, "A Gift From the Fallen One," including a 25-chapter outline.

( ) Submission. I don't have one in yet. I did resubmit "The Best Medicine" as I pledged, but I haven't gotten a new item quite ready yet. I'm close on, "Death, Be not Me" but I'm not 100% on what I want to do with that story yet. Hopefully tonight I will figure out a submission for this week and not blow this deadline.

Goals for next week -- (1) again, to write on at least one project a day. (2) To finalize the practical stuff Rose and I need to settle on for the WIP and get a draft of the Prologue. (3) To get get a reader for the houseboat story. (4) To get one publication submission and one contest submission.

Easy as pie.

Except -- ask Rose -- I can't cut pie worth a darn.

Corey Schwartz said...

My goal for next week is to NOT spend 12 hours trying solve anagrams so I can win a contest, but instead to actually write something.

Weronika Janczuk said...

It's been physically impossible for me to keep my New Year's resolutions up; too much schoolwork to write 1k a day. I plan on tackling my huge WIP this summer. :)

Best of luck to all of you!

PJ Hoover said...

Look at your awesome author pic!

I started really focusing on outlining something new this week, and as long as nothing else comes up (like revisions on a different project), I'll stick in this planning stage for the next week!

Elana Johnson said...

O. M. Gosh. I didn't do that. Um, I just barely opened it today. Does that count? LOL. Hardly. I have started, but I have not finished (the idea is laughable!) and I will keep it as my goal for next week.

Hopefully, I'll be...let's say halfway through said novel by next week. I really do need to get it out, but I'm still working on it. I am I am I am. IamIamIamIamIam.

Thanks for this reminder!

Christina Farley said...

Oh you did do good.

I'm rocking too! Partly because my hubby is out of town. So I've had the computer all to myself. I've revised four chapters! Yippee. And even better, I cut two chapters. Double yippee!

Casey Something said...

Thanks, Rhonda! Good luck on those proposals.

You're doing awesome, Nevets. Keep it up. Don't sweat the small stuff.

LOL, Corey. Are you going to write an awful query for the latest contest?

Thanks for coming by Weronika! Good luck in tackling that WIP.

Thanks PJ! It's actually just a picture I took myself. : ) I like it though. Have fun planning new stuff!

Elana! Youareyouareyouare going to get a good amount of it done this week. Right? Right?!

Yay for rocking it Christina! Keep it up!