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  • CoCo Freeman Agent Spotlight Interview and Query Critique Giveaway on 11/11/2024
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  • Agent Spotlights & Interviews have been updated through the letter "K" as of 3/28/2024 and many have been reviewed by the agents. Look for more information as I find the time to update more agent spotlights.

Wednesday's Word Count

Is it already Wednesday? Craziness. Here's the count...

Prior Goal:
5,500 words.

Achieved: 4786 words, I think.

Goal for new week: 4,000

Excuses / comments: Not much to say here. I totally could have met my goal but I slacked off a bit. I guess I wasn't too worried about taking a few days off since I've been running ahead on the 30k challenge. In fact, I have roughly 700 words left, which I'm off to write as soon as I post this. So I'll have my 30k two days early - woot! As for this next week... I'm going to slow down a little but I'd like to keep up a decent count since I'm still aiming to have this first draft done by the end of next month!

How are you doing with your writing goals?


Stephanie J said...

Well, this is the firs time in a long, long while that I can give an update! FINALLY! I set new goals for myself and I'm working on it. I'm wildly behind at the moment but I've written approximately 2500-3000 words in the past week. Huge progress considering I'm usually at ~200 every month, lol! I'm hoping to have a 1st draft of the MS by mid-May.

Go you for being so on target and getting done with the 30K early. That's so awesome. Tell me your secrets!

Jenn Nixon said...

uiCongrats on the word count! Keep it up...

Elana Johnson said...

I wish I was doing as well as you. Le sigh, I am not. But good job! :)

PJ Hoover said...

Thus far it's been a productive week! Starting revisions, and they've been encouraging!

Rhonda Helms said...

hey, at least you're writing! you can do eet!!

Trisha Pearson said...

Congratulations! I am in awe - you set such a high goal for yourself and you are achieving it. Bravo! This week, I'm not even close to achieving the tiniest of my goals.